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Old May 8th, 2009 #10
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If you are ever trying to talk someone out of an inter-racial adoption, make sure to say,

"Are you sure the African/Guatemalan/Chinese baby will match the furniture? What about family pictures? The ones with a child of a different race always look so uncomfortable and forced."

Years before I discovered that there were still White nationalists and a national WN movement, I started instinctively moving away from multicult Amerikwan culture. When I was 19 I took up Russian language with plans to emigrate to Russia permanently. At 23 I took up violin.

I have advocated taking up so called high culture on this board before and met with some outrage that I was being an elitist. But I think the above passage about how Baroque music pushes away black teenagers vindicates this elitist view.

My kid grew up speaking Russian from her mother and grandmother, and I crack the whip to keep her practicing her piano and studying math and reading classical literature, and I have kept most pop culture out of the house. My goal has been to make her as culturally and intellectually different as possible from the race-mixing riff raff, so she will be bored and uncomfortable around them, and they will probably hate her.

I think this model should be pretty reliable at raising White children -- make them as "elite" as possible. In this model they will definitely come into a lot of contact with Asians. However, the Asian parents are as opposed to race-mixing as we are! I have met plenty of middle to upper class Asians from the classical music world, and any time I have found occasion to say, "I think whites should marry whites, blacks marry blacks, Chinese marry Chinese," these Asian parents vehemently agree. I'm not idealizing Asians; I'm just letting you know that it's safe to express anti-race-mixing opinions to them, and they will in turn feel more support in telling their children that only same race relationships are permitted since a "native" told them.

My daughter and I go to a music school that is part of a university. Now you might think such a "liberal" place would be full of divershitty. You'd be wrong. Blacks and Latinos don't bother with music schools if the liberals don't beg them to come and give them scholarships, etc. There's mountains of African and Latino "diversity" right up the street, but NONE at the music school. Zero.

As the economy contracts, we'll have more time to home school our kids, and start local classical music ensembles and the public schools will shut down. The blackbrowns and brownblacks will not even get a semblance of an education; there will be total illiteracy among them, and probably even poor hygiene. They won't maintain any civilization for themselves; they'll revert to utter savagery. And so White kids will become that much more obviously different than them, as the difference between animals and people.
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