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Old February 19th, 2013 #51
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Originally Posted by Brenna Wolf View Post
Because quite honestly they were probably pissed for even being called before they even got there. I've never seen the swaggering power mad jackasses show up with anything but impatience and annoyance. Like they just can't believe they are being bothered by the masses who pay their fucking salaries.

Maybe their free meal was interrupted, or their chatroom cyber sex tryst or their perusal of the latest tactical toys online.

'Protect and Serve (their own interests).'

You see them parked somewhere you can almost bet they are on the internet and/or phone.

*Many with Down's hold regular jobs, btw
Yeah, that about sums up the average cop nicely. But I meant why didn't theater workers themselves just charge him for an extra ticket? Why call the cops at all? It's like common sense is a thing of the past. Now they look like idiots and it has caused them negative publicity, where if they would have just said, "Ok, give me $8 and we'll just sweep around you" no one would have ever known.

If I worked there that's what I would have done. I mean, how often would something like that happen anyway? Never. It's not like it's a daily occurrence or something.