Full Thread: Yahweh is Satan!
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Old February 27th, 2012 #9
Soldatul Vostru
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Originally Posted by Steven L. Akins View Post
I think he means trying to make sense from the Bible is "nutbar crap".
I would agree with that. But yeah, I wasn't trying to make sense out of the Bible, per se, and that isn't my blog, but I can see how jews would have such a shitbag as a god.

Remember all the mass-murders rapes and genocides YHWH commanded his chosen vermin to commit in the OT?

Yahweh: a god fit for jews.

It's like those idiots who try to find a hidden Bible-code by doing word-search puzzles with the text:
Yeah, I remember those idiots from the Hitler-hating Channel.

Sane people dismiss the notion that the god and satan characters in the Bible are anything more than myths.
Of course. And I don't believe in either 'God' nor 'Satan,' but to argue anything with Christians you have to use their Bible. And then throw in some sound logic to counter it, as I did in my previous post.