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Old April 16th, 2011 #6
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 2,128
Default An Invitation for Senor Valdez

Originally Posted by N.M. Valdez View Post
The genetic evidence posted refutes any myth of a pre-Indian euro presence in the Americas. As mentioned, the evolutionary mutation in melanin content that produced light skin pigmentation probably had not even occurred at the time these continents were initially populated.
Our resident injun – Senor Valdez - states that there were no White Men in America before the arrival of the Vikings.
On the other hand he refuses to come here and face the White Man to receive his lessons on the subject. He is trolling around all over, avoiding the proper place to face those who taught him the use of the wheel, firearms and fiery water.

Question No 1 to Senor Valdez: Do you believe the magic of carbon dating and DNA analysis to be true and real or do you think they are evil lies to control the minds of poor dispossessed injuns?

[Huck describes an Indian attack on Peggy and her brothers]
I heard a trampling like a lot of horses, and when it got pretty near, I see that other Injun coming on a pony, and driving the other ponies and all our mules and horses ahead of him, and he let off a long wild whoop, and the minute he done that, the Injun that had a gun, the one that Peggy fixed, shot her father through the head with it and scalped him, another one tomahawked her mother and scalped her and then these two grabbed Jim and tied his hands together, and the other two grabbed Peggy, who was screaming and crying, and all of them rushed off with her and Jim and Flaxy, and as fast as I run, and as far as I run, I could still hear her, till I was a long, long ways off.

Senor Valdez as political activist

Senor Valdez argues with White Men from a distance