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Old March 25th, 2008 #9
Mark Kerpolt
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Join Date: Dec 2006
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Arrow [VIDEO] After almost 10 years of silence, new documentary on White mummies of China

Divided into three parts, hosted at podblanc.

«China's Mystery Mummies»
· producer: part2 pictures (for National Geographic)
· production date: 2007
· release date: 2007-2008

This is a truly fascinating documentary about the Tocharians, an Indo-European — Aryan — people that lived in the Tarim Basin, a part of nowadays' Xinjiang, western China. Xinjiang [新疆/شىنجاڭ/Xīnjiāng; ڑīn·jāŋ], which literally means: “New Frontier” in Chinese; suggesting not only that it's a very militaristic possession of China, but most of all that it's a new province, which indeed is the case.

This documentary is very much like PBS' «The Mysterious Mummies of China», from 1998. However, unlike PBS' 1998 documentary, this documentary features reenacted reconstructions, better angled and more extensive footage and all at a much higher graphical resolution (as it was broadcast in HD format also). It also more goes into a greater depth on certain archeological finds, such as artifacts like cloth and tools that were found. It also analyses the mummification practice, that they applied, which is particularly interesting since it more or less suggests that Aryans possessed [roughly] the same knowledge as the ancient Egyptians (which is — at any rate — very telling for the Egyptians' origins). Although it doesn't go delve into language and writing systems, it's still very interesting

Unfortunately though, despite the truly interesting and beautiful footage with the equally fascinating information, this documentary got a very political angle; a very unfactual angle really, to conform with the nowadays' trend of so-called “multi-culturalism” and “[race] mixing.” The documentary lays, for such ‘multi-cultural’ reasons, also a lot of emphasis on DNA finds. The DNA ‘results’ were cunningly used to ‘conclude’ that Tocharians were partly “Asians,” and of “mixed race,” and not “Europeans” in the end of the documentary. They went even as far as to claim the Tocharians and their environment were similar to Manhattan and its citizens today!

What isn't told, or stressed rather, that “Asian” — the type of marker found in the DNA — as in Indian wasn't necessarily non-European in the Indo-European — Aryan — sense. In fact, as historically well-versed people know, India at the time was completely different from what it is now; unlike what most people might know or even suspect (thus deceiving people greatly). A cunning conclusion, not based on facts, not mentioning several other aspects — such as language, as I mentioned earlier; they spoke Indo-European languages — and not even fully researched yet (as they even admit).

The conclusion was made by a very ‘multi-culturally driven’ American ‘geneticist’Spencer Wells — and several Chinese ‘researchers,’ one that normally works on forensic cases and with such methods. The conclusion was all very noticably to their ‘delight,’ particularly to the Chinese ‘researchers’ working on this project, that were featured in the documentary. The Chinese don't give this out of hands, and the reason why since 1998 until now nothing was made on this mummies, is because of China's reluctance and the Chinese nature and mentality. The facts remain, however.

The documentary was furthermore produced by “part2 pictures,” for National Geographic. “part2 pictures” is a commercial video production company, unlike the non-profit PBS, with a very ‘multi-culti’ orientation. Their orientation has without doubt played a gigantic part in the whole tone and conclusion in the end.

Despite the non-factual, deceiving and very obviously childish quasi-‘refutation’ attempt of the ‘European'ness’ (read: White'ness and Aryan'ness) of the Tocharians, it's still extremely worth watching and people will know — especially if they've seen the 1998 PBS version as well — what is truthful and what isn't. Which goes even more for people interested and aware of history, genetics and [physical] anthropology.

— references & resources

HD quality version available via BitTorrent and eMule now!

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    · resolution: 720p (HD)
    · format: DVD-video
    · medium: ISO image
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  • «China's Mystery Mummies»
    · region: PAL
    · resolution: 720p (HD)
    · format: DVD-video
    · medium: ISO image
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