Full Thread: we need a word...
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Old May 5th, 2005 #4
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Alex said-
The word we're looking for needn't be grammatically correct, it must be rhetorically right. The idea is a parallel to 'racist.' Two syllables, possibly even rhyming with racist, such as jacist, and STRONG.
It's a very good idea. ZOG was a created word.

"Jabassist"? The "J" sound for Jew, though it avoids the 'fraught with worry for Whites' "Jew" root, while keeping the "Jah" sound intact...together with "bassist"- in this case meaning "someone who is committing a 'base' ", genocidal act- namely, the constant, never-ending debasement, villification, and homicide of the White race via literary, teaching, and myth-makings, e.g. (celluloid, academic etc.)= a "Jabassist", one practicing or dealing in "Jabassism".

Possible alternate spelling ( a better spelling, actually) could be "Jabaseism" and "Jabaseist". In this case, and I prefer this spelling, the pronunication could be" "Ja BASE ee ism" and "Ja BASE ee ist". Thus, the "baseness" of the act is emphasized.

Emphasizing the "BASE" syllable also sounds the perfect rhyme to the "RACE" syllable emphasis in "racist". "Racist" is frequently so spewed in contempt.

A Ja BASE ee ist would be one who is systematically, chronically enagaged in the debasement of White people, their histories, attempts to organize in their own interests etc. As with the current definitions of "Jew", you would not, in the most technical sense, have to be a Jew to be a Jabaseist. (That is, as dictionaries now define one who is "Jew-like" to be a Jew- the same would go for being a Jabaseist). But certainly, almost all Jooz, or absolutely all, would be Jabaseists.

Note that "Jabaseist" is about the closest "perfect" rhyme one can come up with to "racist". Drop "racist" into online rhyming dictionaries, and you'll see what I mean.

Of course, in that we are coining a word- we still have a lot more leeway. But I do like the essential nature of their low act being forthrightly incorporated via "base" and "baseness".

Plus, if one speaks it rapidly, it can quickly come out "Jewbaseist". In fact, "Jewbaseist" could proove to evolve as a more direct, harsh version of "Jabaseist", used only by plain speakers- the hard core. LOL

I prefer Ja BASE ee ist with the long "ee" rather than just Ja BASE ist with no elongated extra syllable "ee". I think the extra "ceeist" (pronunced "seeist") sound nicely wraps up the fact that Jews "see" the debasement of Whites as an understood cultural goal- a literal "way of seeing" out from their Jew eyes and Jewdevil brains.

Whatever word we decide upon, it will be great fun, and a learning, broadcasting exercise to watch it enter the English language via the internet over the course of a few years.