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Old April 30th, 2009 #8
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
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I'm ashamed that I used to like him when I was a "proud Amerikwan." However, I always felt there was something wrong with that perspective. Why didnt they ever address the biggest problem of all - the diminishing of teh white percentage through USA and Europe? And talk directly about the Jewish propaganda war against the White race, instead of complaining about it, citing silly examples of it, but never saying who is behind all of it. These are the 2 factors that got me to realize that conservatism is bullshit. Then you all teach me here that conservatism is itself owed by the jews, and then it all makes perfect sense - It's about giving the public false choices. The "liberal media" attacks the republicans relentlessly, making one think that the 2 parties are diametrically opposite, when in fact, on the issues that really matter in the long run, they are the same thing. Amazing shit. One of the saddest things I've ever heard is White people calling into talk radio shows, spouting off about the liberals, and the media, all while the jews are listening to it laughing at these poor saps who think they've found an enlightened view of the world, when they've merely been ushered by the jew down a dead end that they crafted. What wil it take for these well-meaning whites to look around and see the judaization of the world for what it is, and abandon the Republicans?

Last edited by Horseman; April 30th, 2009 at 07:14 PM.