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Old June 29th, 2013 #3
Jean West
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 476

Hagee has been exposed for years, even by Baldwin himself, back at least as far as 2008. The person who has done the most "exposing" of Hagee has been Charles Carlson of We Hold These Truths (WHTT), who has conducted Vigils in front of Christian Zionist churches, churches that have hosted Hagee appearances, and also at various Hagee events.

In the posted article, Baldwin writes: "We didn’t have suicides like this during World War I or World War II. Whatever the politics back then was or wasn’t, those were lawfully declared wars in which our men knew what they were fighting for. They went in; they fought; they came home." I would disagree with that.

While it's true that Chuck Baldwin takes the right position on things like abortion, gun control, gay rights, immigration, etc. I've never been a fan.

In Bush to Sharon: Do as I Say Not as I Do, Baldwin writes this:
President Bush is pursuing a dangerous course. First, he is turning his back on history (both Biblical and secular) by trying to create an independent state for the Palestinians. The Palestinians have no historical claim to the Promised Land. God clearly gave that land to the children of Israel. Furthermore, the only independent nation to ever exist on that land is the nation of Israel. There has never been an independent Palestinian country, and for Bush to pretend that they have some kind of "right" to the land is a denial of history and an act of defiance against the revealed will of God.

Chuck Baldwin has written articles giving strong support to Ron Paul. One of them, Ron Paul's Israel Problem, contains this:
To be sure, not all believers agree on the subject of Israel. Christians are divided between pre-millennialism, post-millennialism, and even amillennialism. For the most part, pre-millennialists (such as me) believe that God will yet fulfill the Davidic Covenant with the nation of Israel. Post-millennialists, on the other hand, believe that the Church, which is the Body of Christ, is the complete fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham and David. Regardless of one's particular view of Eschatology, believers should be united in their support for protecting the sovereignty and independence of these United States. If this were really true, the vast majority of believers would enthusiastically support the candidacy of Ron Paul, as there is no one in Washington, D.C., who more faithfully defends the integrity of America's sovereignty and independence. The problem is, some Christians seem to give more loyalty and support to the government of Israel than they do their own country's independence and freedom.
[See pre-, post-, and a-millenialism in Gary North's The Unannounced Reason Behind American Fundamentalism's Support for the State of Israel)

VDARE published Baldwin's article, Needed: A Confessing Church, in which he writes:
"...I again urge you to read the book, Hitler's Cross, which was written by Erwin Lutzer and published by Moody Press. This book should be "required reading" for every pastor and Christian layman in America. In his book, Lutzer focuses on the attitudes and actions of Germany's pastors and churches during the rise and reign of the Third Reich. It is a masterpiece. For those of us living in a country and time far removed from Hitler's Germany, it is hard to comprehend how that nation's Christians—especially its ministers—could have been so thoroughly taken in by old Adolf. . . . to any honest observer of history, the conditions of the Church in America today are eerily similar to those of the Church in Nazi Germany. . . . as did the Church in Nazi Germany, the Church in America has become infatuated with Big Government. Today Christians of all persuasions have come to accept and even embrace the Nanny State, complete with its intrinsic obsession with an omnipotent federal bureaucracy that exercises perpetual surveillance and absolute control over every area of our lives. According to today's Republican candidates (with the exception of Ron Paul), patriotism demands that we click our heels to the Department of Homeland Security and enthusiastically support aggressive, preemptive war. This is exactly the kind of redefinition of patriotism used so brilliantly by Hitler and his fellow propagandists.
Ron Paul quoted Sinclair Lewis as saying, "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." (To see how Hitler used this same tactic, I invite readers to note the photograph of the German Fuhrer in Lutzer's book, on page 75, which shows Hitler coming out of church with a large emblem of the Cross directly over his head. This photo was used extensively by Hitler during his political campaigns.)
Lutzer notes that the tool Adolf Hitler used to ascend to power in Germany was his ability to wrap the Nazi flag around the Cross of Christ. In fact, Hitler often required that the Cross be emblazoned directly in the middle of the Nazi flag. These flags were not only prominently displayed in parades, but also in church auditoriums. As a result of Hitler's brilliant deception, Christians throughout Germany were convinced that he was "God's man." They saw him as more than a political leader: he was a spiritual leader as well. They saw him as their country's President and as their Christian brother.
If Hitler said the German people needed to surrender their firearms, they saw it as their Christian duty to comply; if Hitler said they needed to enact a total surveillance society, they freely gave up their privacy; if Hitler said Germany needed to invade other nations for its security, Christians were among the first to volunteer; and if Hitler said they could only be good Christians if they supported the Nazi Party, they enthusiastically supported the Nazi Party. In short, Germany's Christians and pastors surrendered their hearts and minds to Adolf Hitler, because they believed him to be one of them. What they never would have surrendered to a professing agnostic, they gladly surrendered to a professing Christian. Truly, fascism came to Germany "wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross."cause
There were a few in Germany who saw through Hitler's deception. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Christian minister who actively opposed Hitler by organizing what he called the "Confessing Church." These were believers who would not surrender Christ's sphere of authority to Hitler. They saw through "Hitler's Cross." Unfortunately, of the more than 14,000 pastors in Germany, only 800 joined with Bonhoeffer. To the vast majority of Germany's pastors, Bonhoeffer was an "extremist," or a "kook," or a "nut." They relegated Bonhoeffer to the fringe of Christendom. They believed Hitler and repudiated Bonhoeffer; they chose Hitler's "German Church" over the Confessing Church. In retrospect, however, who would they follow today, if they had the chance?

In Are we Witnessing The Rise of the Fourth Reich? he again recites his grievances against the behavior of pastors during the Third Reich and compares that period with today and again plugs the book
Hitler’s Cross Hitler’s Cross
. The author is a product of dispensationalist Dallas Seminary and Moody Institute. The publisher's page ( describes the book thus:
Six million Jews dead. The monstrosity of Adolf Hitler's 'Third Reich' remains a stunning chapter in the pages of history. Although the power by which he hypnotized an entire nation is legendary, one question in particular begs an answer: Where was the church of Christ? Seduced by the satanic majesty of the Fuhrer, church leaders throughout Germany allowed the swastika a prominent place alongside the Christian cross in their sanctuaries. Nationalistic pride replaced the call of God to purity, and with few exceptions, the German church looked away while Adolf Hitler implemented the 'Final Solution' to his Jewish problem. How did this happen?

Chuck Baldwin seems to have an association with a very weird individual named David Ben Ariel--a "Christian Zionist Jew, who believes Germany is the anti-Christ and will return to cause further destruction. It's very hard to figure out what this association consists of on Baldwin's part, but if it exists, then the nexus is big, bad Germany. See here and here

Note: This seems like an unwarranted hit job on Baldwin, but it's really a pulling out of bits from files as I continue reorganizing directories and files since I upgraded to WP6x.