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Old April 3rd, 2011 #3
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 440

I'm noticing all the white high schools are becoming like this, too. It'll be a 99% white school, and the athletic teams are full of blacks. I don't know what the mechanism is, as we see exposed her for the colleges, but we can be sure there's a bunch of faggots and dykes and Jewish money involved.

anyways, NONE of these black athletes have any business being in college, the Jew knows that if it wasn't for sports, colleges would be bastions of untainted whiteness, they do everything they can to push those niggers on the women in college. There are NO niggers who are smart enough to get into college and compete with whites in college, only through athletics are these apes even tolerated on a college campus, if it wasn't for their phony athletics prestige, niggers would immediately be chased off all college campuses.

Sports are ritual combat, and girls just mindlessly go for jocks, according to the instincts of a female.

Plus the girls in college the Jew sees as the more intelligent white stock, so they need to be corrupted even more so.