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Old February 7th, 2007 #17
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 2,798

Originally Posted by odin View Post
First off, there are no black people. If it's black, it's a nigger. It doesn't matter how civilized it may act, if you are hates you.

This is true. Niggers behave in a civilized manner for the same reason (some of) you guys do; because it makes life easier for you. You better fucking believe that the second you leave the room, you are no longer "Sir", you are "dat cracka-ass mufugguh" or "dat White debbil".

Niggers are NEVER your friend or ally. The only time a nigger will ever make an attempt to be friendly is if it wants something from you.
A smiling, talkative nigger is a warning sign to all decent White folks.