Full Thread: Fighting Systems.
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Old March 11th, 2007 #12
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 2,798

From this asshole's link:

Because... facing one of these thugs can be a terrifying experience!

But It needn't be. In fact, handling one of these self defense situations is really much easier than you might imagine, even if...

You've never been in a real fight in your life,
You're way out-of-shape (real fights end in seconds; this isn't the movies),
You have physical limitations (we just gave a totally blind man his own set of self defense skills),
You're old (a member of our Mastery program was 62),
You're small (a 120-pound woman once cracked the sternum of a 240-pound guy with a simple palm strike),
You've got no time to practice self defense...
Or... any of a hundred other "things" you might think restrict you.

ROFL! You don't even need to practice!
It even works for the elderly and THE BLIND!