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Old December 30th, 2011 #2
Gerry Fable
'God Belief, German Piety'
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General Remer

Rami: General Remer, what do you think of the "New World Order?"

Remer: The "New World Order" suffers from two drawbacks, in that it is neither "new" nor does it cover the world. This concept is nothing but a new mask behind which lies hidden the international power of the Jewish organizations.

The rule according to which the Jewish organizations play were laid down after he defeat of Germany in World War II. In fact and in truth, it was the mafia of the Jewish organizations that emerged as the true victors out of that struggle of the nations. All peoples whose governments allied themselves in World War II against Germany have lost the war - as Germany has.

The states that allied themselves against Germany were, whether they knew it or not, in the service of Jewish interests and plans that were geared not only against Germany but also against the Islamic and Arab nations and against the western nations. The rape of Palestine and the creation of the Israeli state after World War II is no coincidence but the outcome of a planning process methodically implemented over generations.

The former Soviet Union (that had been set up by the Jews) was the first state that gave official recognition to the colonial state of Israel. The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" offer the clearest statement of the plans of the Jewish organizations to implement their actually very old "New World Order".

Signs of change: Germany and Japan wage economic war against the United States of America

Rami: Don't you think that after the demise of the Soviet Union and after the Persian Gulf war there is a completely new stand of affairs?

Remer: What is "new" lies not in the order but in the developments, which are not favorable for some of the Zionist powers. Because of those developments, the shadow leaders of the "Old World Order" have shuffled the deck of cards anew for a new deal, in order to turn to good account the winds of change.

One of those developments is that both great losers of World War II, Germany and Japan, became superpowers, even if only in the economic area. Against the background of those relations, there is a kind of economic war between Germany and Japan on the one hand, and the United States of America on the other, between the two losers in the war and the USA. That is what is new.

The Islamic revolution in Iran is a positive development

At the same time, the Islamic revolution of Afghanistan, sprung exclusively from spiritual roots, dealt a heavy blow to the communist regime in the former Soviet Union. In face of that revolution, the red Soviet empire had to concede that it is incapable, in spite of its military superiority, to defeat the Mujaheddin, whose main weapons were their right and their spiritual strength.

Another quite new situation appeared as a consequence of the Islamic revolution in Iran, that destroyed the Zionist rule in that country and shook its foundations in that part of the world. Khomeini's letter to Gorbachev, in which he was inviting the latter to convert to Islam, had great symbolic power! What is new again is the movement of Islamic rebirth and the continuous decay of the strength of the colonial government bodies directed from afar by Israel in many Islamic countries.

And another new situation arose from the fact that Iraq was on the way to break the Israeli monopoly on the atomic bomb in the Near East, and to break the Israeli technological hegemony, and thus to jeopardize the Israeli power over the Islamic parts of the world.

Moreover, the development of the so-called "Islamic bomb" which is allegedly being carried on in Pakistan, will lead to a completely new constellation. And finally, among the new developments I cite the emergence of new countries in which the Jewish organizations have no influence. All those new items have made the puppeteers of the "Old World Order" to panic.

They reacted strongly, in order to avoid the threatened loss of their power over the fate of the nations. Those developments at that time certainly did not please them. The triumph of Islamic might in Afghanistan gave hopes to the peoples who lived under Soviet dominion.

That was seen in the emergence of revolutionary independence movements, and it led to the complete collapse of the red empire, to the reunification of Germany and to the independence of Islamic republics that lie south of the former Soviet Union.

Rami: Today certain powers in the so-called third world deplore the collapse of the Soviet Union. They believe that two devils who compete for power are better than just one devil who rules over all. That is true of the smaller countries. What do you think?

Remer: The USSR was rabidly anti-Islamic. It almost managed to turn Afghanistan into a new Palestine, after having left nothing undone in order to annihilate religion in its Islamic republics. An obvious reality is also the enonnous power of the Jewish lobby in the USA.

It has been already generations since all United States Presidents must earn favor with the Jews in order to ensure that they be elected, respectively re-elected, with the help of the Jewish mass-media. Please read Zionist books like "The Jewish Paradox" of Nahum Goldmann, or "Hammer", the autobiography of the Jewish billionaire Armand Hammer. Hammer's firm "Petroleum Occidental" owns extensive Arab oil fields and oil wells. It is well known that that Jewish financial magnate was a close friend of Lenin, Stalin, and all further Soviet leaders.

As an American Jew and capitalist, he owned in the Soviet Union huge oil fields and oil wells. Did you know that a plan was implemented during the American Civil War according to which two branches of one and the same Jewish bank - the bank of Rothschild - financed both sides of the conflict? The Paris branch of the Rothschild bank financed the Southern Confederates, and the London branch of the Rothschild bank financed the Northern States.

The aim of that strategy was to ruin both sides, making them get hopelessly in debt to the same bank. The head of the London branch was the Jew August Belmont Schonberg. The Paris branch was represented by his uncle, the Jewish Senator from Louisiana, John Slidell. The latter was also a good friend of the then British Prime Minister, the Jew Benjamin Disraeli.

It is well known how astutely the Jews that are higher up have always.known in the course of history how to cast their roles in pursuit of the same Zionist aims. So as not to fall a prey to those Jewish machinations, every country and every nation must need develop its own strategy for the protection of its national security. That must not depend on the existence or the collapse of a superpower.

Let us take Sweden or Switzerland as an example. Both countries call themselves "neutral" and have no conflict with any other country. No part of their territory is occupied by a foreign power. Nevertheless both countries maintain their own armies and carry on an independent policy of national security, while not relying on the support of a superpower. During both World Wars, Sweden was neither attacked nor occupied by the Soviet Union.

And that not because she was neutral, but because on account of her military strength, she would have been conquered only with severe losses on the part of the attacker. The strategy of the Soviets was to get to control the Arab and Islamic countries through the local communist parties. The described aim was in Palestine, for instance, "liberation of Man", what translates in communist lingo to the fact that the human becomes a communist.

Therefore Palestine was to turn communist too, which would have been nothing but another form of Jewish influence. At any rate the Soviet empire carried the seeds of its own destruction within itself; the small third world countries that deplore today the disappearance of the Soviet Union can do nothing about it.

The Persian Gulf War was no war but a barbaric slaughter

Rami: How do you evaluate the Gulf War?

Remer: What is being called "the Gulf War" was no war or battle. There were no important land, air, or sea fights. What took place there was a barbaric slaughter in the form of a onesided attack. To illustrate the opposite: when Argentina occupied the Falkland Islands, Great Britain carried on a war for their recovery, but not for the slaughter of the Argentinean population.

The USA on the contrary did not intervene to liberate Kuwait, as they alleged, but solely for the purpose of destroying Iraq; to destroy the Iraqi army, the Iraqi state, the Iraqi civilian population snd the Iraqi infrastructure and economy. After the "war" and after the "liberation," the USA made their purpose public: the economic, technological, industrial reconstruction of Iraq must be prevented duing the next centuries.

Rami: Why is that?

Remer: Everybody knows that Iraq could not threaten America even if she had atomic weapons. Saddam Hussein has neither the secret nor the declared intention to attack the USA, what would be a sheer military and strategic impossibility. Normally, there is absolutely no issue or conflict between Iraq and the USA.

The economic interests of the USA proper were never threatened by the Iraqis or the Persians either, and are not threatened today. It remains a fact that Iraq has never planned a war against the USA, and even less has it declared one! Why then has America mobilized her entire forces and those of her western and Arab allies against Iraq?

The answer is that Israel saw her interests and her regional hegemony threatened through the growing strength of Iraq. For that reason, America in the service of Israel waged war against Iraq. (Federal Chancellor Kohl stated in a press conference in the Rose Garden of the White House on September 16, 1991: "I am a little surprised that exactly that man [President Bush] is being attacked in such a manner, he being the one who more than anyone else, even to the extent of [a Gulf] war, has taken the responsibility and has stood by Israel and stands by Israel").

Israel saw in Iraq a military threat for her dominion over the muslims in that area. That is why she mobilized, as usual, her Jewish propagandists, who control the mass-media in the West. (About that the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz writes on January, 13, 1991: "The Jewish lobbyists in the USA are deeply involved in the propaganda work of the champions of a war against Iraq".)

The propaganda of the Jewish organizations knew perfectly how to exaggerate the military strength of Iraq. Thus they wanted to enhance the strike against Iraq and to make it annihilating. Nowadays Israel sees in Iran a military and ideological threat. The Jewish state will no longer forego any opportunity to incite the USA against Iran, and thereby the entire West and the "public opinion" of the western states controlled by the mass-media. Israel's aim is to liquidate Iran - and at the same time to destroy the Islam, the Islamic movement, and also any resistance against the tyranny of the Zionist world order.
"Man is not God. But he is God's birthplace. God exists and grows in man. If God does not come in man, He never comes~ Hence the German religion is the religion of high faith in man."-Alfred Rosenberg

Last edited by Gerry Fable; December 30th, 2011 at 08:01 AM.