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Old November 11th, 2009 #1
Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Default Master List of Politically Correct Terms (and Arguments, Frames, Concepts)

[How we'll do it. The PC term will be, upon its first use, listed in bold black. Subsequently it will be italicized. If in the discussion of one PC term another is brought up for the first time, it will be listed in black and bold. And subsequently italicized. And we'll italicize the Aryan terms that could and should be used in place of the loaded ones. And we'll italicize words discussed as terms, which is ordinary grammatical convention. The attempt will be made, altho we'll undoubtedly miss a few, to put all semitically correct usages in italics. Please note that we have only used the SC term politically correct in the title of this thread so it will show up in searches; the correct term is...well...we begin...]

Politically Correct - a euphemism for Semitically Correct, which was coined by the late Joseph Sobran. Political Correctness, which we'll abbreviate as PC from here on, comes from the jews and their mindset. It amounts to the demand that others follow their partyline absolutely without deviation, and this goes back to Lenin, who was 1/4 jew, and whose innermost gang of communist revolutionaries was almost entirely jewish. From their demand that their own communists follow the partyline after it had been decided comes PC, pretty much purely denotative and literal in meaning. Some argue with that, and would consider PC originating with the Frankfurt School's Critical Theories in the 30s-50s, or as something that came out of the social tumult of the jew-led social revolutions of the 1960s. Whichever you prefer, the key is that the men and the mindset driving PC are the same: We are jews. We rule you. You will do what we say or face penalties. Here are the taboos you must obey on penalty of life or career or position.

Modern PC, as a specific term, comes from a jew. A jew named Jeff Shesol, who later went on to become a Democratic operative under Clinton, used the term in a comic strip he composed at Brown University. He had a superhero called 'Politically Correct Man.' Lenin too had used the term politically correct, but it appears that its meaning and use were pretty much literal. It is not clear if Shesol knew of Lenin's use of the term, which would have been in Russian anyway, or simply coined the term himself. In any case, Shesol's PC came, in the 1980s, to be the only public recognition ever accorded the fact that there is some kind of power out there forcing us to submit to taboos and rules and ideas that most of us don't believe in. PC could be taken as an example of a jew controlling the opposition by creating and leading it, which was a Leninist principle, unironically, but that might be going beyond the facts. (We don't know how much jew Shesol knew about Lenin, or whether jews used him to slide a queered concept of Semitical Correctness to the broader public. It seems unlikely, but can't be wholly discarded as a possibility, because jews have proven time and again they really are that devious.) Whatever the case, Shesol's PC while serving the purpose of giving the opposition something to latch on to that was publicly recognized, nevertheless also had the effect of leading those using it away from the Semite's nest, to use the metaphorical analogy of a mother bird faking a broken wing. But as Sobran brilliantly showed, a very simple alteration makes all the difference. Whites should always use Semitically Correct in place of PC, because the person listening will know they are referring to PC, and be led to think about why they made the subtle change. SC is very effective coinage, because the change in form is small, but the change in meaning is huge.

sperm bank - Here's one I came across in book about Shockley, something I had never thought about before - the use of the term sperm bank as opposed to gene bank. It's an attempt to make goofy and vaguely dirty what isn't.

[p. 42, "Shockley on Eugenics and Race"]

His antagonists in particular delighted to attack Shockley on his advocacy of quality gene banks as a counter-dysgenic measure. These they liked to describe, not inaccurately, as "sperm banks" since this sounded more "kinky" and morally questionable.

As a side note, students of PC will observe that altho leftists always disdain traditional morality, and work politically to outlaw it, they are, by the same token, always willing to use traditional morality if by doing so they can destroy a man or an argument opposed to their insanity.

Last edited by Alex Linder; July 12th, 2012 at 02:55 PM.