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Old January 4th, 2013 #8
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Originally Posted by AJG View Post
Gee, I don't know, do dead people follow you with their eyes and make noises when you touch them? I'm pretty sure if she could speak, the first and only thing she'd say is "kill me." I feel physically ill right now and I think it's from contemplating the fact that this woman was lying there since I was 6-years-old just waiting to die.
This is the magic world of Christards! Where everyone has to be forceably kept alive, regardless of quality of life, so that Christards can pat themselves on the back and receive accolades at church for being so humanitarian. It has nothing to do with any of the severely deformed or mentally handicapped children who are born with no quality of life, or the people who are forceably kept in vegetative states for two decades, Christards really couldn't give a shit about any of them. It has to do with the warm, fuzzy feeling that a Christard gets when he or she gets to be a surrogate for skygod and engage in lengthy self righteous finger wagging, with all the pretty ego petting and preening it entails.
Hell really is other people.