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Old July 20th, 2011 #2724
Roberto Muehlenkamp
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Originally Posted by littlefieldjohn View Post
Zelda GORDON: the Irene Zisblatt of Treblinka

Backing out of the Treblinka Gas Chamber undressing room (6 mins. to 12 mins. into video)…

“I can say that a quarter of those people in that synagogue just dropped dead.”

“It took seconds for people to disappear”

It is another fantastic tale, reminiscent of Irene Zisblatt's pack of lies about Auschwitz and her five precious diamonds being ingested and expelled many times over for several years. But Zelda's tale has some important truth in it nonetheless. Obviously, all of the Jews and Jewesses that went to Treblinka were NOT killed at all. At least 100 Jews, according to Zelda's own account, re-boarded a train and went on to other camps. Some even went on to live very comfortable lives into the 1990's in charming places like Beverly Hills, California. Those dirty Jewish "holocaust historians" have been caught lying again. Will the Jews ever give back all of that money?

This video and many others like it, prove that Treblinka was indeed a “transit camp” as revisionists have always claimed and NOT an extermination camp.

Many people, including Jews, arrived from various places, and after a brief stay—which included a shower, a medical exam, a change into clean lice-free clothes, and a meal—departed for other places such as Lublin and Maidanek to the south where they worked like normal people usually do, even during wartime.

The holocaust hoaxers are proven completely wrong, once again. If the Nazi motive had been to simply kill or torture Jews, such train stops as at Treblinka and other Aktion Reinhardt camps would have been pointless; those evil Nazis could have simply by-passed the transit camps, and let the Jews suffer and die on the trains—no pit stops, or rest stops—as they continued on their long journeys to the east, or wherever. Clearly, the purpose of Treblinka was to help keep Jews alive and healthy. Zelda has, of course, embellished her tale with the most sinister accusations against the Germans and yet, her story contains much which seems true and believable and thoroughly undermines the holocaust hoax in general.
Yeah, next time you meet one of those many phony Vietnam vets, you'll have another confirmation that the Vietnam War never happened.

Who wrote that imbecilic coulda-shoulda-woulda-dooda rubbish at the end, by the way? If it's Fredo Berg, I'm not surprised. If it's Eric Hunt, shame on him, I didn't know he was capable of such trash. Anyway, I'm looking forward to Eric's announced "possible" submission for my Challenge to Supporters of the Revisionist Transit Camp Theory

Last edited by Roberto Muehlenkamp; July 20th, 2011 at 08:04 AM.