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Old September 9th, 2017 #3
Mike in Denver
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I don't know if it were planned or accidental, but...the hippie rock of the mid-60s and later was a result of the rock and roll of the 50s. That is, the most horrible sounds ever to infect humanity.

The Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Little Richard, and Jerry Lee Lewis, and so on. Gods...this was horrible shit. The worst of Country and Western (horrible in its own right,) and nigger wailing. I was a kid when this filth started infecting the radio and that's when I started listening to pure classical.

Then the mid 60s came and the music changed. It was interesting and much of it was truly pretty. More, the lyrics were not stuck in "my baby done left little boy calls another man daddy...a little more C&W, but similar.) The lyrics of the psychedelic music 60s were weird and fascinating, interesting, thoughtful. But mostly, just damned beautiful.

Were jews involved, were some twisted types involved? Sure, name anything in which they are not involved. But was it a planned destruction of! It was a needed replacement of the whinny, nasty, stupid, horrible music that preceded it in the 50s.

Hunter S. Thompson, "Big dark, coming soon"