Full Thread: Etiquette in VNNF
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Old January 4th, 2006 #5
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Originally Posted by Hassled
Maybe you should think about creating another forum separate from this one with its own domain name for newbs who read the paper.

Vnn is for advanced racialists.

Its kind of like putting a station wagon driver behind the wheel of a nascar race car.
Well then, "Advanced Racialist", tell us what you'd do if someone said, "I farted in your mouth", in front of your mother.

You'd try to break his face, wouldn't you ??

Why then, do you insist on allowing the same kind of faggot-filth-talk to be spoken here in front of other White men's mothers ?? And daughters, and granddaughters, and wives, and nieces, etc, etc. ??

I'm not a Christian, but I believe in common public decency, and in the duty of White men to respect White women. If we don't respect our own mothers and daughters, we're hypocrites to criticise kikes and koons when they don't.

You're a fan of Howard Stern, right ??
“To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize” —–Voltaire