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Old December 16th, 2008 #4
Derrick Beukeboom
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Originally Posted by Brian Foley View Post
I agree with that , at one stage Europe was Homogenous at the time of the Empire of Alexander the Great to Rome . However what happened was histories first race war with the collapse of the Roman Empire Asiatic Huns began their Westward drive into Europe because they desired our civilization . And the Arabs began a 600 year attempt to conquer Europe and subjugate it to Islam .I believe our conflict will be eternal against the other races .
Our conflict will be short lived if we collectively do not replace population.
Way too many of our women are either not having children, aborting them or mating with nonwhites.

Frankly, with the exception of religious subcultures such as the Mormons and Amish groups, our race is doing a horrific job of birth replacement.

Eternal conflict may be another generation or 2 unless we change our race's values and mindset.