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Old June 5th, 2008 #11
Roberto Muehlenkamp
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 1,001

>Well, it looks like Roberta Muehlenkamp has rested her case.
Actually the one resting his case is Gerdes, who hasn’t been able to address most (and to adequately address any) of the evidence I have shown or answer any of my questions.

I have made my case by providing evidence of various categories, all of which points to Treblinka having been an extermination camp where hundreds of thousands were killed.

What has Gerdes, on the other hand, provided by way of evidence pointing in the direction of his "transit camp" theory?

I’ll tell you, folks: nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Deafening silence.

>Here is all the "physical evidence" that she has entered to date, and some of my commentary.
I bet the liar has left out the key documentation of the physical evidence that I provided, the Polish site investigation reports. What’s supposed to be wrong with these reports or why they should not be accepted as accurate renderings of the physical evidence he hasn’t yet explained, of course.

>Please note that this freak pretends to be one of "the worlds foremost experts" on Treblinka,
So I’m supposed to have stated verbatim that I’m one of "the worlds foremost experts" on Treblinka” Gerdes?

Exact quote and link to where I’m supposed to have written that, please.

Or humbly admit that you lied once again.

>and this is the best she can do when challenged to present the physical evidence of her claim >that the Treblinka holocaust really did happen.
False dilemma, Gerdes.

First of all, the description of the physical evidence in the Polish site investigation reports is quite telling, as I have explained in my article «Polish investigations of the Treblinka killing site were a complete failure …» under http://holocaustcontroversies.blogsp...treblinka.html .

And second, historical events like the Treblinka mass murder can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt without assessing the physical evidence, on hand of documentary and eyewitness evidence alone. West German criminal justice authorities have done just that at many an NS murder trial, and historians do it all the time.

>I will add a more consice recap shortly, but the following will provide the information needed to >see in what context the filthy lying bitch presented her "evidence."

Actually Gerdes hasn’t yet been able to demonstrate a single lie of mine, whereas I have caught him in a couple dozen lies throughout the Topix discussion (conservative estimate). And I wouldn’t be surprised if the following "recap" contained some more lies.


>Q - Can you provide photographic proof of this alleged "area of 20,000 square meters covered >by human remains and human remains to a depth of 7.5 meters?"

>A - “There are photographs of the area, some of which you can see under:

Why don’t you quote all of what I wrote, Gerdes? Are you afraid of it?

From my post # 22 under

«There are photographs of the area, some of which you can see under . But the question is not whether there is photographic proof of what is stated in the Polish site investigation report. The question is what reasons there are to doubt the accuracy of that report, compatible as it is with evidence on which its authors could have had no influence. You’ve tried the “Soviet investigation” gambit and failed. Now try something else.»


>“The grave digging is well-documented in Polish sources. To what extent it obliterated the >Treblinka mass graves we don’t know.”

>Q - If it was so well documented, then would you please show us the photos of this alleged >documentation?

>A - “look at some photographs related to the "Treblinka Gold Rush" that are included in a >Polish newspaper article about this phenomenon:

Another out-of-context quote by liar Gerdes. The context, see my post # 40 under , is the following:

«>If it was so well documented, then would you please show us the photos of this alleged >documentation?

Faulty reasoning again. Why, i.e. according to what rules or standards other than Gerdes' own, must documentation of a well-documented event include photographs?

When Gerdes has answered this question, he may have a look at some photographs related to the "Treblinka Gold Rush" that are included in a Polish newspaper article about this phenomenon, translation available under»


>“Not that it would matter a damn thing if I could not, but a photograph available under:


>is captioned as showing "One of the enormous pits in the Treblinka camp into which the >victims' corpses (and later, ashes) were thrown."
"Not that it would matter a damn thing if I could not", I wrote here. My position throughout this discussion was, and still is, that the physical evidence is sufficiently documented by the quoted Polish site investigation reports, independently of the extent to which their contents are illustrated by photographs. Yet liar Gerdes keeps trying to make believe that I provided photographs not just for illustration purposes and in response to his "just one" howling, but as <the> documentation of the physical evidence.



>“Roberto never claimed that nobody has been able to locate "so much as a single tooth" at >Treblinka. On the contrary, I have referred to Vassili Grossman’s mention of having seen teeth >in the soil of Treblinka when he visited the place. And I have referred to a Polish newspaper >article translated under:


>which mentions teeth found by robbery diggers.” (Please note that that “evidence” has been >presented to “prove” both the “grave diggers obliterated the traces of the “huge mass graves” >and that teeth have been found at Treblinka.)
Gerdes’ statement in brackets contains another lie. I never claimed that grave-diggers obliterated all traces of the mass graves, as becomes apparent from, among other statements of mine, the one from my post # 40 quoted earlier by Gerdes:

«The grave digging is well-documented in Polish sources. To what extent it obliterated the Treblinka mass graves we don’t know.»
Poor Gerdes, he’s not only a liar but also a liar stupid enough to document his own lies.



>“In the south-western part of the camp, roughly corresponding to the area of the "receiving >camp" (the Treblinka extermination camp consisted of 3 areas: the "the living camp" in the >northwest, the "receiving camp" in the southwest and the "death camp" in the south and south->east, the latter being the sector where the gas chambers, mass graves and incineration grids >were located), there are four shapes of ground scarring I circled and marked as 1, 2, 3 and 4 >on the September 1944 photograph:






>"I think that 1, 2 and 3 are in all probability pits for corpses which were used during the first >phase of Treblinka and 4 is the "Lazarett,”
Lying Gerdes unsurprisingly left out an important part of my post # 156 under

«Question to Gerdes: if shapes 1, 2 and 3 are not pits for corpses which were used during the first phase of Treblinka, then what are they? Mind that whatever explanation you come up with has to match your claim that Treblinka was a mere "transit camp".

When you have satisfactorily answered these question, we may talk about where people are supposed to have "transited" to from "transit camp" Treblinka.»

>Q - Can you show us a single ground or aerial photograph in which the "huge mass graves" >and the "huge furnace pits" can be seen?


>A – “Of the furnace pits none that I know, which is not surprising as photographing in the camp >was forbidden. Deputy commander Kurt Franz photographed nevertheless and kept an album, >from which he had torn out some pictures by the time he was arrested in 1959; these may >have shown interesting things like furnace pits, incineration grids and so. But he kept the >photos of the excavators, which are shown under:

Liar Gerdes conveniently omitted the question in my post # 170 under coming right after that link:

«Any idea what those excavators were doing in a "transit camp", Gerdes?»
Are you so afraid of that question, Gerdes? One might think you are, judging by how often you have run away from it.

>There is also one photo, kept in the German Federal Archives under nº No. 183-F0918-0201->011 and online under:


>that shows one corner of one of the mass graves.”

>Q - Can you provide a single photo that proves the existence of these alleged huge graves and >pits?


>A – “No. But I can provide eyewitness testimonies,”
Quote-mining again, are we, Gerdes? Mind what follows:

«No. But I can provide eyewitness testimonies, German documents and site investigation reports that prove the mass graves and pits and the mass murder for which both were used. How about explaining why you keep yelling for photographs, Gerdes? Are there any rules or standards of evidence according to which mass murder can only be proven with photographs?»
More questions that have been often asked and just as often avoided by Gerdes, the lying coward (or the cowardly liar, if you prefer).

When will you stop running away from my questions, Mr. Gerdes?