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Old September 15th, 2009 #26
Hunter Wallace
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 251

A point I made in the other thread:

Indeed, there is nothing “libertarian” at all about what we are proposing to do: overthrowing civic institutions and replacing them with a new blut und boden racial order, mass violations of sacrosanct individual rights and property rights, engaging in ‘aggression’ against sovereign individuals in the name of collectivism, engaging in racial and religious intolerance, imposing ethical and aesthetic standards on a libertine populace, etc. A true libertarian (whose mind is governed by universal abstractions) would never entertain such measures. In many ways, the White Nationalist worldview (based solely on collective self interest, not highminded universal principles) is the polar opposite of libertarianism and the other species of liberalism.
If continental expulsion of non-Whites is the ultimate goal of White Nationalism, the White populace will have to be thoroughly dissuaded of their libertarian/liberal beliefs to support our authoritarian programme.
Occidental Dissent

"A functioning police state needs no police."
—William Borroughs