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Old October 11th, 2014 #7
Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Greg Johnson says:
October 11, 2014 at 4:51 am
Brad: can you run this version rather than the above? I want to correct an overstatement.

DD: What happened between me and Spencer is right out on the surface: I stated publicly the reasons why I thought it too risky to attend the NPI conference in Budapest, revealing facts that Spencer had not yet revealed.

His response was to lie and say that my facts were wrong and I was passing speculation off as fact. His clear intention had been to keep people in the dark about the dangers he was putting them in, so they would continue going to Budapest. By casting doubt on my veracity, he wanted to continue bamboozling people into attending.

I now know of two others besides Richard Spencer and Bill Regnery who were arrested and deported from Hungary and have been banned from the Schengen zone for three years.

Their only connection to the conference was to register at the Novotel. Also, apparently they were arrested because they were already banned from the Schengen zone.

That means that the Hungarian government took a list of conference attendees and entered them in the Schengen Information System, which means that whoever is on that list can be arrested and expelled for trying to enter any Schengen countries (basically, all of Western Europe except Ireland and the UK — although they too have access to the ban list, apparently).

Of course only people from outside the Schengen zone can be banned in such a way. That applies mostly to Americans and Canadians, but there were probably other non-Schengen zone citizens registered as well.

This means that people could continue to be arrested for the next three years because of NPI as they try to enter the Schengen zone, perhaps on a business trip or a family vacation.

They know this at NPI. They knew it before I did. Don’t you think that NPI should have leveled with people who registered about this uncomfortable fact by now?

Again: anyone who registered at the Budapest Novotel or who is otherwise known to have been attending the NPI conference, and who is not a citizen of a Schengen zone country, could already have been banned from the Schengen zone for the next three years and could be arrested and deported for trying to enter any such country during that period.

There is an ethical void at the heart of NPI. Spencer had a reputation for being dishonest and exploitative, but I basically ignored it because (1) I like to make up my own mind about people, and (2) I think he is intelligent and likable. But he falsely accused me of spreading false information so he could manipulate and exploit people for his own selfish ends.

Well, I can’t say I wasn’t warned. And now you can’t say so either.
Everybody fails Greggy. Then piously he lifts his eyes heavenward, shakes his head nobly and sadly, and earnestly swears to soldier on and do better next time. So sodo-jesusy.

Spencer is simply a nebbish. I think of him as a Strom lite. Less brains, less character, even.

Again I ask, please ignore the man saying this and consider the point: where has mixing with conservatism gotten white nationalism?

Why not attack it as another enemy, and thereby create something original and unique in American politics? Something brave that average Americans can get behind?