Full Thread: #1 OKC Bombing Thread
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Old May 16th, 2015 #69
Hunter Morrow
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 1,803

I am not sure if this has been posted already, but governments like to try to force through bills and laws to exploit attacks and tragedies. Its the reason for false flags like OKC to begin with.

This is a pretty good series of questions about OKC, but 29 sums up why it happened quite nicely.


29. Why was the reaction of the Clinton administration, blaming right-wing radio talk shows for the incident and demanding the most draconian police state legislation ever proposed in the United States, so swift and obviously organized?

A blizzard of OKC-inspired "domestic terrorism" bills were rushed into Congress in a matter of days, some of them pre-written and already printed up BEFORE THE BOMBING. These proposed laws cover everything from banning virtually all privately owned firearms to unlimited and court-admissible Federal wiretaps to censorship of the Internet to the suspension of habeas corpus in "terrorism" cases to the grotesque destruction of the First Amendment advocated in Charles Schumer's bill H.R. 2580, which imposes a five-year prison sentence for publicly engaging in "unseemly speculation" and publishing or transmitting by wire or electronic means "baseless conspiracy theories regarding the Federal government of the United States". Who decides what is a "baseless conspiracy theory'? Why, the very same government, of course.

How was a normally cumbersome, inefficient, and glacially slow legislative branch able to move so quickly, so comprehensively, and so efficiently in introducing these laws which will strip Americans of what remaining freedoms they have?
Here is the attempted "Republican Form of Government Guarantee Act" that was attempted, basically the PATRIOT Act before the PATRIOT Act.