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Old February 6th, 2016 #13
John from Canada
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 2,158

Originally Posted by N.B. Forrest View Post
Mere property ownership shouldn't be a factor; Bill Gates is both "white" and has a Mt. Everest of property. Ideally, I'd limit the franchise to White men with IQs of at least 95, between the ages of 25 & 75: weed out the retards, the know-it-all, know-nothing-at-all punks & the senile. Require a test on civics & general knowledge of world affairs. In short: create an electorate WORTHY to decide the nation's affairs.

Of course, that's just pie-in-the-sky. But if we can rip the god damned kike's hairy paws off the controls of the mass brainwashing machinery, we could herd the women & the shitheads back onto the path of racial survival quite easily.

It doesn't matter how much money Bill Gates has he still only gets one vote. Same as me and every other white man who can manage his finances well enough to start a business or pay off a mortgage.