Full Thread: Greg Johnson
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Old March 27th, 2010 #10
Mike Parker
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 3,311
Thumbs up It has its moments

1. Jews may give up their “left-wing bias,” but they will never give up their pro-Jew/anti-us bias, and their history repeatedly shows that when their hatred of us conflicts with their love of themselves (considerations of collective self-interest), Jews usually hate us more than they love themselves, which is why they have repeatedly driven their hosts to homicidal rage.

Therefore, it is just a fantasy that enlightened self-interest will get Jews to take their foot off the accelerator as they drive the West and themselves into the ditch. No, the typical Jew will destroy the West, then curse us for failing them. That’s what makes Jews so evil: overwhelming will to power that is destructive because it is unbounded by reason, conscience, and personal responsibility.

2. Wilders, Griffin, and other Euro-nationalists think that they can split the Jewish anti-nationalist bloc by appealing to Jewish fears of Muslim immigration into Europe. They think that Jews who respond to their overtures see the logic of their position and sincerely wish to help out.

I think they are fooling themselves.

The Jews chose to plunk their ethnostate in a sea of hostile Muslims, whom they viciously abuse without any thought of the possible long-term consequences. In a sea of hostile Muslims, it is just Jew business as usual.

So why do Wilders et al. think that comparatively minuscule populations of Muslims in Europe will get Jews to alter business as usual? The Jews who involve themselves in euro-nationalist parties may actually be sincere. But there is no way of knowing. Doesn’t prudence dictate that we assume more Jew business as usual, i.e., that they are there to disrupt and subvert these parties?

3. Jews are adapted to being a minority. We are not. As we become a minority, we lose collective power and they gain it. Why then would anyone expect Jews to work sincerely to preserve the white majority? What’s in it for them?

And even if there were something in it for them, we must return to the question: Do they hate us more than they love themselves? If the answer is yes, and I think that it is, then convergences of interest between Jews and whites don’t really matter.

4. Kevin MacDonald once told me that Jews have a dominance strategy, not a survival strategy. It is great for gaining power, but once Jews get behind the wheel, they have no brakes, and they always end up crashing. That is not a good survival strategy. If Jews are more interested in dominance than survival, then again, how do we appeal to their rational self-interest?

5. The deeper error here is the assumption that human beings are ruled by reason rather than by will to power. Reason is a rather superficial faculty, that negotiates between will to power and objective conditions. Whites are the most creative race, because we are the most rational. Our reason gives our will to power objective form as the glories of Western civilization. But we have become so rational that we have talked ourselves out of healthy biological self-assertiveness. We have made ourselves sick with reason.

Jews suffer none of this. They are the most vital and least rational/intellectual people on earth. What? Jews non-intellectual? Yes. Jews chug away creating systems of ideas, like squids produce ink and skunks produce stink, but they never really believe them, so their ideas never get in the way of their collective pursuit of dominance. Unfortunately, their reason never intervenes when they need to apply the brakes either.
