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Old November 1st, 2019 #7
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Bremen ,Germany
Posts: 2,393

. . I suppose one might also call the 'The Running Man' vision a dystopic lookout concerning America ( apart from it having clear NWO-allusions and also describing a dystopic future of television per se . . )

The USA were based on freedom and the European peoples . .

Freedom for settlers from Europe that is.

. . in this dystopic vision the USA is totally multicultual ( the movie was made in '87 and for the time it was done in it was very , very multicultural : Many blacks , many Latin-Americans , plus others . .)

Like I said , even the gladiators in the show are multicultural.

So . . multiculturalism . . .check.

Totalitarianism . . . check . .

Totally centralized government , rules by brute force , totalitarianism.

Also , the word cadre , the government in the movie , is often deemed as socialist slang . .

So . . a totalitarian America.

Last . . media control . . double-check.

Television , an instrument of the N.W.O. , now rules practically completely . .

. . there are told lies about events , the state is glorified , delinquents are executed live on tv for "pleasure of the audience" , lethal game shows for the winning of money are on the air etc etc . .