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Old July 22nd, 2018 #8
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Bremen ,Germany
Posts: 2,393

Originally Posted by Ray Allan View Post
Perhaps if Drax had made contact with the secret Nazi base on the Moon's far side controlled by Hitler's brain, his plan would have been successful.

Seriously , is this never going to stop ? ?

Yes , the Nazis had contact with extraterrestrials ( Greys , Aldebaraanians , Pleiadians . . )

The had the Vril flying saucer Haunebu . .

They landed on the Moon . .

. . and on Mars . .

Fact . .

Also . . Hitler fled to Argentina with a Reichsdeutsche Flugscheibe . .

He then became the new Führer in Argentina . .

And . . the Nazis also have a secret base in Antarctica . .

Hail Neuschwabenland ! !

I might add that the Earth is also hollow . .

Seriously , what is it with that kind of stuff ? ?

I had to laugh at your joke about the Moon being controlled by Hitler's brain though . .