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Old July 14th, 2019 #1
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Default Meet the Pervertsteins...

"Sex-obsessed deviants come in all races, shapes and colors. But there is a certain ethnic group (cough cough) which disproportionately accounts for some of the really sicko high-level stuff. And when you realize that these well-connected Billionaire men (and women) have the ability to leverage, inject, and project their sickness into society as a whole; then you begin to realize exactly how our modern-day hyper-sexualized culture became so polluted. Yes, it was (((them))). It's always frickin them!

It would take a whole book to adequately explore the history of this Jewish perversion of the public mores. From psychiatry-legend Sigmund Fraud, to the shockingly obscene nightlife of pre-Hitler Berlin, to the sex-mad swine radio host Howard Stern, to the vile "sex therapist" Ruth Westheimer, to the many rabbis busted for molesting children of their own flocks, to the openly declared Jewish role in "normalizing" homosexuality and now, cross dressing and genital mutilization -- and on and on and on.... and on and on and on ... and then some. Indeed, even Jewish publications have noted this phenomenon of Jews poisoning the Christian values of their host nations. But for today's analysis, we'll limit it to three really big "steins" -- Murray Rothstein (aka Sumner Redstone), Harvey Weinstein, and Jeffery Epstein. We call them, The Pervertsteins."
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