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Old May 9th, 2015 #9
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Originally Posted by Ray Allan View Post
The Brookings Report, commissioned by NASA in 1960 addressed that contact with an extraterrestrial species or civilization would have severe repercussions to human societal and religious systems if people discovered we are not alone in the universe to the point of anarchy and collapse. The common narrative espoused by court historians is that a less technologically or socially advanced society or group of people has always suffered after contact with a more advanced one and eventually disappears. This report has also been cited by various conspiracy circles and UFO researchers as one reason the government has been hiding evidence of past ET visitation and contact with Earth, such as the Roswell Incident, the many reports of alien abductions, cattle mutilations, crop circles, etc.

It no doubt would greatly affect some of the more primitive cultures and religions on this planet and many Christ-cultists in the White world if alien contact was made and realize we aren't the center of the universe, but I think the more intelligent among us would get over it, much like people eventually accepted that the Earth is round, not flat and that it orbits around the Sun, not vice-versa.
In a way I sorta agree Brookings Report. If we were to make contact with an ET species thousands of years more advanced than we are, I don't see how that would be beneficial for us. I'd prefer something else out there just leave us the hell alone until we're close to a similar technology level. We need to develop technology and advance by our own means, not jump 1000 years ahead in 20 years because of alien tech.