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Old December 8th, 2017 #4
Robert Ransdell
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Join Date: Nov 2012
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Originally Posted by Ray Allan View Post
I put nothing past these creeps. What motivates a person to do things like that? Money? Power? Misguided sense of patriotism? Just plain old psychosis? I've read recently the US government was collecting Russian DNA samples. For what purpose, exactly? And what are Russians? They are White people. A bio-weapon targeted against them would also work on us. ZOGbots deploying these weapons would be inoculated against it, of course. The anthrax vaccine given to troops in the Gulf War was probably some sort of test. "Our" government was doing tests like that on human guinea pigs way back in the 1930s with smallpox and other viruses. Agencies like DARPA, CDC, Health Department etc. have no doubt been collecting genetic material from all races and groups for decades to go into their data banks. I recall watching an episode of The X-Files where everyone's DNA was obtained through vaccination records, criminal background checks and the like and stored in a secret location. A TV show, but not too far from the truth. If the goobermint is involved, you know it's not a good thing.
I would say they are people who are motivated by money, power, and a megalomaniacal aim to rule over the world.

These people also happen to be vastly outnumbered in the world, something like 2% to 98%

It spells Jew. Some would call it psychosis (no doubt many members of the tribe who ply their trade through telling people what motivates their thoughts ) but I would say it just goes with being a Jew.
"We say this, you don't have to be red and you don't have to be dead, not red, not dead, dead reds."

- George Lincoln Rockwell concluding his speech at Brown University in 1966