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Old December 23rd, 2018 #32
Vitaly "SND"
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Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 155

one more reason Croats are obviously superior master race to serbs:

who made strong Yugoslavia?

Josip Broz Tito

he was Croat by father.

i against comunizm. But look this is strong man he hold strong power. Degnerate ideology but strong. Compare to smart kingpin of powerful drug cartel who keep his cartel strong. And clever as fox. He manuver between West and Soviet Union allow his country to stay sovereign. Under him Yugoslavia, shitty wet dream of serbs, capitol in Belgrade, stays as big empire, and Albanians in Kosovo know their place. Even so shitty economy sistem like comunizm hold together by strong leader. And he not kill millions in famine and gulag like Stalin.

Then after he gone. Serbs rise to power. And all falled down very fast because their obvious low iq and ability. They do such stupid thing as think russia will help them. Instead of smart atheism they go back to christ insanity. Shit idea of ortodox brother with Russia. Pick too many fight, cant win.

Vladimire spasi srbiju

Of course they lose and lose. They unfit to rule other, all rebel, Kosovo rebel, all fall apart. Stupid losers.

Rhodesia - nigger power - ruin
Yugoslavia - serbian power - ruin

Weak stupid sERBIAN morons like Milosevic lost everything. Without Tito they serbs even lost Kosovo. Such fools.

Serbian instinct know they must lick fit of master. But they so bad in picking good master. Now they lick feet of Putin. How it worked ? get anything? get Kosovo? Vladimire spasi srbiju

Tesla was Croat too.

Serbian, bow to superior people! Your only hope in this life as inferoir is serve superior. Life is proof. Sooner you understand beter for u. Like niggers in Africa. One day they will undertand white rule is best thing that happen to them. Same with serbs. Your big hope for serbia is to get ruler who at least half croat like Tito or some other nation with not nigger iq. If you not do this only will be left for u to masturbate to north korea . You can try to envy and hate and against superior but only make worse yourself like nigers of Zimbabwe.
Serbien muss sterbien! Stop the madness STOP SERBOPHILIA ! Racial truth about Serbia blog.
Freedom to Sandžak! All your Kosovo are belong to Shqipëria!