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Old October 1st, 2012 #118
drinking tea
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Originally Posted by Hadding View Post
Correct. You said "underage = pædophilia" and then you retreated to "under 16." If I ask you to define pædophilia in the UK before the marriageable age was raised to 16 in 1929, you will be at a loss.
No, I did not retreat at all. Underage = paedophilia. As I just clearly said, when the word underage is used in connection with sex, in the UK it means under 16. Not elaborating in the original post is not "retreat".

What you and other defenders very often miss is the glaring difference between 2012 and 1929. In the 1900's, approximately half of all children died before they reached five. The life-span was much less for many reasons - lack of medical knowledge, poverty and so on. If girls had waited until 20 or 21 to have their first child, they would not only have been an economic burden on their parents well past sustainability for the rest of the family. They would likely not have lived to see the child reach a fair age. Something like 1 in 4 births resulted in the death of the mother and the poorer you were, the higher the odds. Teenage is a relatively new concept and teenage in the 1900's - had the word been coined then - was an entirely different set of experiences to now.

Marriages were arranged/undertaken for social or economic profit and reasons, not for love. In many cases it was first come, first served. Returning to the healthcare of the 1900's, you do realise that we have made significant advances since then, and we have determined, through science, the age at which a girl is best equipped, emotionally, mentally, physically and financially to raise a child? We have realised that a girl/child is still growing at the age of 12 but has usually finished growing by 16/17 and we have adjusted the childbearing age - because that is what sex is primarily for - having children - accordingly. I see this as a good thing. Guidelines should be changed as knowledge becomes available.

I suppose I cannot adequately answer your question as I am unable to put aside all the biological and medical knowledge that has been made before and during my lifetime.

Of course, if you desire a return to the good ol' days, send your five year old son/grandson round to mine. My chimney needs sweeping.

edit to your edit:

I got a positive rep point here just now from a female, btw.
So? Everyone is entitled to an opinion and good for her for having one. I've had rep points for my posts on this thread as well. Clearly we are both making an impact. Life is boring when you are a drone.

Last edited by Bev; October 1st, 2012 at 02:13 PM.