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Old May 6th, 2013 #32
America First
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Why don't whites care that black males rape white women?

by DailyKenn.com

We also recommend "Why do blacks attack old white people?"

Not all rapists are black males, nor are all black males rapists.

"Even so, the differences between black and 'white' rates of interracial crime are enormous," according to The Century Foundation's monumental work, 'The Color of Crime.'

Between 2001 and 2003, for example, "There were an average of 15,400 black-on-white rapes every year during this period, 139,000 robberies, 489,000 assaults, and 12,762 sexual assaults. By contrast, there were only 900 “white”-on-black rapes every year, 7,600 robberies, 101,000 assaults, and 3,217 sexual assaults. Of all 768,879 violent interracial crimes involving blacks and whites, blacks committed 85 percent and 'whites' 15 percent."

Based on those statistics, black-on-white rapes occur at a rate of 42.19 per day. That's an average of 1.75 black-on-white rapes occurring every hour continuously, or about one every 34 minutes.

Again, not all rapists are black males, but that demographic is substantially over represented.

White reaction and response to black-on-white rape has changed significantly in recent years.

The notorious Tulsa riot of 1921 was sparked by a black-on-white rape. It resulted in much of the black community being set afire and black residents being routed.

There were multiple white-on-black riots across the nation during the The Red Summer of 1919. Riots were prompted by black crime, frequently black-on-white rape. The riots are routinely falsely blamed on unemployment frustrations at the conclusion of WWI as GIs returned home from the battlefield and had to compete for jobs.

The age of tolerance and white guilt had not yet been introduced to the American psyche prior to 1921.

Efforts were made to press the mind of white America towards tolerance of black-on-white rape.

For example, the story of Louis Till is virtually unknown to Americans. Till was a black soldier who was executed by the United States army after being convicted of rape and murder. However, Till's 14-year-old son, Emmett, was Trayvonized after he was allegedly murdered for 'flirting' with white women in 1955.

The national media successfully wove a false narrative of irrational white bigotry and subsequent black victims, thereby effectively reversing the perception of reality. To Kill A Mockingbird was published in 1960, five years after the younger Till's death. The book is a work of fiction that makes a mockery of reality by casting black rapists as innocent victims of white racism.

Meanwhile, the violence continues at the rate of one white woman raped by a black male in America about every 34 minutes.



by DailyKenn.com

Scientists claim that many humans have trace Neanderthal DNA; about 1 to 4 percent.

The argument could be made, then, that we aren't entirely human.

Some would differ.

Creationists would dismiss the whole assertion out of hand. Others would simply define human as one whose DNA may include trace Neanderthal markings.

Things got a little more complicated this week when news reports emerged of scientific studies that concluded black Africans share DNA with a heretofore unknown species within the genus homo.

Does that mean black folks aren't human? Or does it suggest that blacks are less human?

Not necessarily.

What the research proves, however, is that race is a biological phenomenon, not a social construct. The non-human DNA that is unique to East Africans establishes that group with a biological identity not shared with the rest of us.

An article in the Washington Post explains: "These genetic leftovers do not resemble DNA from any modern-day humans. The foreign DNA also does not resemble Neanderthal DNA, which shows up in the DNA of some modern-day Europeans . . . That means the newly identified DNA came from an unknown group."

In 1896 the American Economic Association published a book by German-born American statistician Dr. Frederick L. Hoffman. The book, titled Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro, was considered an unbiased and scholarly work at the time.

In the introduction to his book, Hoffman observed, "During the course of my inquiry it became more and more apparent that there lie at the root of all social difficulties or problems, racial traits and tendencies which make for good or ill in the fate of nations as well as of individuals."

In other words, Hoffman detected a genetic influence on behavior.

There is no conclusive evidence -- or even hint of suggestion -- by the researches that the non-human genetic makeup of Africans has any influence on behavior "for good or ill." It does, however, raise that interesting, albeit premature, speculation that the violent tendencies evident in black behavior could be traced to their non-human ancestors.

It should be noted that Hoffman, being German, was not influenced by American racial biases. It should also be considered that Hoffman wrote at a time prior to the substantial politically correct pressure to reject anything less than complimentary of non-whites.
Isn't it strange that we talk least about the things we think about most?

We cannot allow the natural passions and prejudices of other peoples
to lead our country to destruction.

-Charles A. Lindbergh

Last edited by America First; May 6th, 2013 at 04:23 PM.