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Old February 10th, 2004 #5
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Originally Posted by Antiochus Epiphanes
I dont think people should discuss housing and employment here. The feds have made free speech in the area of housing and employment off limits via the fair housing act and the civil rights act. All talk of such things should not be in any written form whatsoever so as not to provide evidence to those who would prosecute this forum. If you want to talk about this in the real world I suggest you do so in person.

Again, as White Will suggests, pulling up stakes and moving somewhere is an idea that wont work. You've got a good imagination Billy and I would put it to work on something smaller. These grand plans people are always laying, calling for big changes and dramatic sacrifices, are not going to happen without much smaller steps to build up. How about some ideas which people can do without pulling up stakes?
Interesting. Given the manifest failure of WN politics, I am of the mind that business, employment, housing and general networking are exactly the areas in which Whites should come together, concentrate on and cooperate in order to recreate a White community. WNs focus a great deal of attention on freedom of speech. Could it be we should focus more attention on the less noticed freedom of association?

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