Full Thread: Edgar Steele
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Old June 25th, 2010 #404
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I hope to update the time line this weekend. One thing that is not clear is Steele's wife's trip to to Oregon? Does anybody have a clear understanding of the following:

1) Fairfax attaches bomb to Steele's wife car for 1st hit on May 30?
2) Steele's drive goes to her mother's house on May 31.
3) That Fairfax drove to Oregon looking for the bomb June ??
4) Steele meets with Fairfax to plan 2nd hit on June 9?

Question: When did Steele's wife return to Idaho?

If Steele's wife was still in Oregon, was Fairfax going to make another trip to Oregon to make the 2nd hit?
Was the $500/$400 discussed on the June 9 recording for the 1st (failed) hit or was it for the 2nd hit or both?
Since the 2nd hit was to include both Steele's wife and mother-in-law it seems that she must have still been in Oregon.
Or was Steele's mother-in-law going to return to Idaho with Steele's wife and the hit was going to take place in Idaho? But that would seem to rule out the interstate commerce law aspect which justify the FBI's involvement.