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Old November 8th, 2019 #13
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Bremen ,Germany
Posts: 2,393

Originally Posted by bedford View Post
ColdFire, I see on a map that Bremen is not that far from Amsterdam. Have
you been to that city?

Yes , I have . .

Heehee , just kidding with the vid.

. . your post made me think of it.

Sure , Amsterdam is a beautiful town.

Gotta admit , Germans who live close to the Dutch border often go there to smoke pot (since in the Netherlands there are coffee-shops ; even though the Dutch government is thinking about only letting native Dutch people get "their stuff" there so that the "cannabis-tourism" will stop . .) . .

The Netherlands are one of the places in the world where people are not so strict about people smoking weed and it borders Germany. .

Other than that , the Netherlands have many beautiful towns . .

In fact in all of Western Europe there are many beautiful towns . . some with a historic city-appearance.



The reason why especially in Western-Europe there are many historic cities which sometimes have an appearace still stemming from the Middle Ages/Baroque is because Western Europe did not suffer that intensely from the European wars ( especially World Wars 1 and 2 ) as the rest of Europe had to . . that's why many historic city-appearances there are preserved . .

Germany along with other states had to suffer the most under the wars.