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Old January 8th, 2020 #7
Mike in Denver
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Originally Posted by bedford View Post
Cal Tech physicist Sean Carroll has come up with a proof that the afterlife is not possible
because it violates the law of physics. I am not religious. i prefer science,
rationalism and logic to best understand the world instead of ancient myths.
Good grief...easily the dumbest post I've read in the more than 17 years I've been a member at this forum (same as you.)

Let me translate. "Pissant little boy, Sean Carroll has, after changing his panties, squeaked out his little ding-dong, about what there is, because by squeaking out his little dinggies he may publish something, somewhere."

Come on, bedford, learn to think.

And here is the truth, nobody really knows...there is nothing even close to proof either way.

I spent a few years in University somehow coming up with degrees in Math and Physics, so-called scientists are no more immune to fudging facts than we ordinary folks, particularly if there is money or career at stake.

I knew a lot of cynical professors who basically knew the whole system was bullshit. Even physics and chemistry aren't immune.

The average man, walking down the street, who can observe and think with independence, has about as much chance of discerning the truth, even on a matter that involves engineering, chemistry, and physics, or the basic nature of existence as a PHD in these disciplines.

And as far as Sean Carroll...I looked him up...he is a little show-boating creep, looking for attention. He knows nothing, and is only looking for attention...maybe a TV show.

Hunter S. Thompson, "Big dark, coming soon"

Last edited by Mike in Denver; January 8th, 2020 at 06:47 PM.