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Old January 20th, 2011 #13
N. Wolf
Legionary of Truth
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This is Appendix 7 from Which Way Western Man? by William G. Simpson:


The full body of facts, of course, cannot be submitted here, but I must bluntly declare my conviction that the accumulating body of the most comprehensive, up-to-date and objective evidence now makes it positively unanswerable that the charge against the Nazis of concentration camp horrors, gas chambers, six million Jews exterminated, and all the rest of it, was from the start nothing more than preposterous, shameless, and contemptible defamation and blackmail against the great German people. Let anyone inclined to sneer at this conclusion first face the evidence in the books listed below, especially the one by the Englishman Richard Harwood, and, above all, that of Prof. Arthur Butz of our own Northwestern University, before he ever again allows this vicious charge to pass his lips.

1. App, A.J., Ph.D.—The Six Million Swindle, Boniface Press, 1973, 8207 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, Maryland 20012. Dr. App, now retired, was a professor in Catholic University, Washington, D.C. Contains impressive, validated evidence, but it is not so objective as the testimony of Christophersen (see below), or so well organized and massive as the overwhelming case presented by Richard Harwood (also see below).

2. Christophersen, Thies—Auschwitz, Truth Or Lie? An eye-witness account. 13 pictures. Published in Germany in 1973. Translated and now available from Liberty Bell Publications, Reedy, WV 25270. The author, not as an internee but as a scientist, was sent to Auschwitz to do research in the production of synthetic rubber for making tires. Auschwitz was the largest and most important of the industrial concentration camps. In these, the Government put prisoners to work producing all kinds of material for the war effort. The author spent the whole of 1944 in Auschwitz. He had the free run of the camp, and visited all the separate camps of which the Auschwitz complex was composed, including Birkenau. His wife was allowed to visit him, and he remarked: “This fact, that we were able to have our relatives visit us at any time, should prove that the camp administrators had nothing to hide. Had Auschwitz been the death factory it is reputed to have been, such visits would certainly not have been permitted.” And he declared conclusively: “During the whole of my time at Auschwitz, I never observed the slightest evidence of mass gassings.”

3. Rassinier, Paul—The Drama of the European Jew, 1964, translated from the French, available from Liberty Bell Pubs., Reedy, WV, 25270. This is the only one of four of Rassinier’s most important works analyzing alleged Nazi atrocities that has been put into English. It is well reviewed by Harwood in his Did Six Million Really Die? (see below), pp. 26-8. He says: “Without doubt, the most important contribution to a truthful study of the extermination question has been the work of the French historian, Professor Paul Rassinier. The pre-eminent value of this work lies first in the fact that Rassinier actually experienced life in the German concentration camps, and also that, as a Socialist and anti-Nazi, nobody could be less inclined to defend Hitler and National Socialism. Yet, for the sake of justice and historical truth, Rassinier spent the remainder of his post-war years [from 1948 to 1966] pursuing research which utterly refuted the Myth of the Six Million and the legend of Nazi diabolism.” “Himself an inmate of Buchenwald, Rassinier proved that no such things [as gas chambers] ever existed there.” Moreover, “he investigated all the stories of extermination literature and attempted to trace their authors . . . and found that none of these authors [whom he specified by name] could produce an authentic eye-witness of a gas chamber at Auschwitz, nor had they themselves actually seen one.” Harwood adds: “Certainly the most important fact to emerge from Rassinier’s studies, and of which there is now no doubt at all, is the utter imposture of ‘gas chambers.’ Serious investigations carried out in the sites themselves have revealed with irrefutable proof that, contrary to the declarations of the surviving ‘witnesses’ examined above, no gas chambers whatever existed in the German camps, at Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Ravensbrueck, Dachau and Dora or Mauthausen in Austria.” This conclusion is supported by the testimony of Stephen F. Pinter, a lawyer for the U.S. War Department who served for six years after the war in the occupation forces in Germany and Austria. In the Catholic magazine Our Sunday Visitor, June 14, 1959, he testified as follows:

“I was in Dachau for 17 months after the war . . . and can state that there was no gas chamber at Dachau. . . Nor was there a gas chamber in any of the other concentration camps in Germany.” [And, this verdict “has now been recognized and admitted officially by the Institute of Contemporary History at Munich.”] Pinter went on to say: “We were told that there was a gas chamber at Auschwitz, but since that was in the Russian zone of occupation, we were not permitted to investigate since the Russians would not allow it. . . I interviewed thousands of Jews, former inmates of concentration camps in Germany and Austria, and consider myself as well qualified as any man on this subject.”

As far as the charge of gas chambers at Auschwitz may be concerned, we have the testimony of Christophersen given above, that this was absolutely false.

And finally, Harwood goes on to say: “Prof. Rassinier is emphatic in stating that the German Government never had any policy [for the solution of the Jewish problem] other than the emigration of Jews overseas.” (Harwood, op. cit., 26-7.)

4. Harwood, Richard E.—Did Six Million Really Die? Historical Review Press, 1975, Richmond, Surrey, England. 12 illustrations. Available from Examiner Books, P.O. Box 783, New York City, 10022 and from Liberty Bell Pubs., Reedy, WV 25270. It was written before Professor Arthur Butz’ book was published. Of all the available books that examine the Six Million charge, this is the most compendious, up-to-date and easily read. And it is by an Englishman, a specialist devoted to the investigation of political and diplomatic aspects of the Second World War, and associated with London University. And his book completely demolishes, item by item, the claim that the Nazi Government put six million Jews to death.

(a) To begin with, the six million figure, on the basis of statistics supplied by the World Almanac, the New York Times, and the Jews own published computations, it is absolutely impossible to maintain. By careful compilation and analysis of the most reliable statistics, and checking them one against another, Harwood comes to the conclusion that “the number of Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe after emigration [which totaled some 3.5 million] was scarcely more then 3 million, by no means all of whom were interned.” Even the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee “officially” estimated that over 1.5 million Jews lived in Nazi-occupied territory right through the war. This means that “the number of possible wartime Jewish deaths could not have exceeded a limit of one and a half million” (pp. 5-6). It is surely significant that by 1961, at the Eichmann trial, “the Jerusalem Court studiously avoided mentioning the figure of Six Million, and the charge drawn up by [the prosecution] simply said ‘some’ millions” (p. 9).

That six million is a gross exaggeration is further established if, instead of concentrating on the figures for the Jewish population in Europe before and after the war, we compare the figures for the Jewish world population before and after. I quote Harwood: “The World Almanac of 1938 gives the number of Jews in the world as 16,588,259. But after the war, the New York Times, February 22nd, 1948, placed the number of Jews in the world at a minimum of 15,600,000 and a maximum of 18,700,000. Quite obviously these figures make it impossible for the number of Jewish war-time casualties to be measured in anything but thousands. [Emphasis added.] 15 1/2 million in 1938 minus the alleged six million leaves nine million. The New York Times figures would mean, therefore, that the world’s Jews produced seven million births, almost doubling their numbers, in the space of ten years. This is patently ridiculous” (pp. 6-7).

(b) The concentration camps were not set up for exterminating anybody. Since they were first used by the British in the Boer War they had been accepted as the only means by which a nation could protect itself against subversive activities of masses of enemy aliens in wartime. World Jewry had declared war on Hitler as early as 1933 at their Economic Boycott Conference in Holland; and Chaim Weizmann, the principal Zionist leader, had reinforced this in September 1939 by pledging to “fight on the side of the democracies,” and by offering to make immediate arrangements for throwing Jewish manpower and other resources into the struggle. (Jewish Chronicle, 9/8/39.) Yet Germany did not begin putting Jews into concentration camps until after the United States and Canada had thus confined their Japanese aliens, which they did even though the Japanese had made no such declaration of disloyalty as that made by the Jews against Germany. The Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on Its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva, 1948, as always faithful to its well-known tradition of strict political neutrality, clarified “the legitimate circumstances under which Jews were detained in concentration camps, i.e., as enemy aliens.” They “were arrested for political or racial motives because their presence was considered a danger to the State or the occupation forces.” (Report, Vol. III, p. 73.) The Report affirms that the German camps were well disciplined and well administered. Until the utter collapse of the last few months of the war, the inmates, though kept at work in support of the war effort, were well fed and clothed, and provided with medical care, and with hospital care if needed. Moreover, all internees, unlike those in Soviet camps, could receive gifts from outside. The Red Cross testified that “from the autumn of 1943 until May 1945, 1,112,000 parcels with a total weight of 4,500 tons were sent off to the concentration camps.” (Vol. III, p. 80.) These contained food, clothing, and pharmaceutical supplies. “Parcels were sent to Dachau, Buchenwald, Sangerhausen, Sachenhausen, [many others], Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen,” etc. Jews were specifically mentioned as recipients. “The Committee was in a position to transfer and distribute in the form of relief supplies over twenty million Swiss francs collected by Jewish welfare organizations throughout the world, in particular by the American Joint Distribution Committee of New York.” (Vol. I, p. 644).

(c) The Nazis never had any policy of Jewish extermination. Harwood says: “It should be emphasized straightaway that there is not a single document in existence which proves that the Germans intended, or carried out, the deliberate murder of Jews.” Though thousands of documents were captured, from all levels of the Nazi hierarchy, there is not one that makes any mention of extermination. This, in fact, “has been admitted by the World Centre of Contemporary Jewish Documentation at Tel-Aviv.” (Harwood, pp. 8-9.) All the evidence proves that from the beginning of Hitler’s rule, in 1933, and maintained to the end, the Nazi policy was based on the conviction that Germany belonged to the Germans, and that the Jews, who as a whole had proved themselves adamantly alien, corrupting in their spiritual and cultural influence, and doubtful in their loyalty to the German State, should be denied German citizenship, deprived of their influential positions within the nation, and as soon and as largely as possible removed from German soil. To the end Jewish emigration remained the Nazis’ “final solution” of the Jewish problem. Moreover, “by 1939, the consistent efforts of the German Government to secure the departure of the Jews from the Reich had resulted in the emigration of 400,000 Jews from a total population of about 600,000 [that is all there were in Germany proper], and an additional 480,000 emigrants from Austria and Czechoslovakia, which constituted almost their entire Jewish populations. Had Hitler cherished any intention of exterminating the Jews, it is inconceivable that he would have allowed more than 800,000 to leave Reich territory with the bulk of their wealth, much less considered plans [as he manifestly did] for their mass emigration to Palestine or Madagascar.” “Even as late as May 1944 [at the beginning of the last twelve months of the war], the Germans were prepared to allow the emigration of one million European Jews from Europe.” This, of course, would have included Jews from countries occupied by Germany—notably, Polish Jews. And again, this was something totally incompatible with the charge that the Nazi aim was Jewish extermination (pp. 4-5).

(d) How then did it ever come about that such charges were almost universally accepted as valid?

Doubtless, it was largely due to the impact made on world opinion by the so-called Nuremburg “Trial.” Care was taken to make the unthinking public assume that its proceedings were in accord with honored Western jurisprudence, but, the grim reality was perhaps first revealed by Mr. F.J.P. Veale in his Advance To Barbarism. (Published 1948; revised edition 1968. Cp. de Poncins—State Secrets, Britons, 1975, Chap. 4.) The Nuremburg “Trial” trampled all legal precedents under foot from start to finish. Its spirit was murderous. The testimony desired against the defendants was often extorted by promises of favor, or by threats, or by actual physical torture (Harwood, pp. 10-11). The crimes of the Allies, often worse than those charged against the Nazis, were barred from mention. As a “trial” it was a criminal farce. The defendants were doomed before it began. It has justly been dubbed “victors’ vengeance.” It set a fearful precedent for the treatment to be meted out to the leaders of the vanquished in future wars (Ibid., p. 9, Sec. 5).

It is a matter of record that the idea of setting up a court of justice for punishing Nazi war criminals was first proposed by Dr. Nahum Goldmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, at its Pan-American Conference in Baltimore in 1941—that is, before the war had run even half its course. The idea was then studied and perfected before being imposed on the American Government and the associated Powers. (See Goldmann—Memories, pp. 216-7; de Poncins—State Secrets, Britons, 1975, p. 50ff.) It was thus the Jews’ hysterical hatred that hovered over every session of the Court and ensured that their intended victims did not escape.

But the uncovering of such facts, of course, was kept from the knowledge of the gentile public by the Jewish control of all the important means by which the minds of our people, from age 60 down to age 5, are reached and shaped.

And this sea of ignorance served well to float publishing ventures of many kinds and in large quantity. Book after book, most of them Jewish authors, laden with horror upon horror, alleged to have been witnessed and blending fragments of truth with the most grotesque fantasies and lies, were launched upon the world. They have been well run down and proved, by such men as Rassinier and Harwood, to be foul and contemptible frauds. Conspicuous among these is the so-called “Diary” of Anne Frank, which, in 1959, seven years after its initial publication, was proved by a decision of the New York State Supreme Court to have been a hoax (op. cit., p. 18). But about all this there has been little or nothing from our newspapers, radio and TV—but silence. And in consequence, it is probably safe to say that not one of our people out of a thousand has any doubt but that Hitler and the Nazis were hideous monsters, sub-human beasts, and the German people, too, who so largely followed and supported them, little better.

(e) But whatever could have induced the Jews to stoop to methods that to us seem so contemptible? Well, obviously, the stakes were enormous.

In sizing up the Jewish conduct here, we must never for a moment allow ourselves to forget that their dominant, relentless, and absolutely undeviating aim is to make themselves the undisputed masters of all humanity. Also, we know, from our examination of the Talmud, that in their dealings with gentiles they are prepared to be completely unrestrained by any moral scruples whatever. Freedom to deceive and lie to gentiles is expressly allowed them.

And so, if, with clear conscience, they could let loose upon the world the holocausts of the two world wars in order to advance themselves toward world dominion, as there is reason to believe they did, it would obviously be for them a small matter to keep the ball of destruction rolling by putting forth the tall tale of the Six Million. I doubt if there was a Jew in all the world who did not instantly realize it was a lie: Jews understand one another. But our Simple Simon White folk swallowed it hook, sinker and line, without once so much as catching a glimpse of the grinning Jew on the other end of the fishing rod. It seems that for our people a report or statement has but to come out in a newspaper or on radio or television, and it is at once accepted as gospel truth. But to one another the Jews whisper, “What easy marks they are!” And how enormously to their advantage their hoax has proved itself to be! Let us therefore examine closely what their gains from it have added up to.

(1) Having saturated the consciousness of the world with the belief that the Nazis did actually butcher some six million Jews, they were able to extort about 43 billion dollars out of the German people, mostly for their bandit State of Israel. At bottom, it was a raw case of blackmail.

(2) By thus conditioning the consciousness of mankind to accept their charge that the Nazis had been guilty of a “crime against humanity” beside which even that of Genghis Khan with his pyramids of the skulls of his beheaded enemies, seems to pale into insignificance, they made Germany the pariah, the outcast leper, among the nations of the Earth, and thus drove a wedge between our peoples. It is certain, as came out plainly enough at the Yalta and Teheran Conferences and in statements by outstanding Jewish spokesmen, that the Jews have long been fully aware that if they are ever to achieve their dominion of the Earth, the nations of the White man, and above all Germany, have got to be destroyed. Their strategy therefore has been divide et impera—to conquer by dividing, by setting one part of the whole against another. And by fouling the honor and good name of the German people they have engendered in the rest of our people condemnation, repugnance and antagonism, and consequent mistrust, against precisely that one of our nations which was perhaps best qualified to lead us in the coming struggle. Might not the Jews have thus ensured that we White men of the world will be unable to achieve that united front upon which in the near future our very survival may depend?

(3) Further, since the atrocities were alleged to have been committed at a time when the Government of Germany was nationalist, nationalism everywhere has been stigmatized and discredited. Though a nationalist totalitarian government under which all the energies and resources of a people can be coordinated and directed with a view to their survival, may, as an emergency measure, be their only hope of surviving an hour of direst peril, our people have become so prejudiced against it that they will fail to resort to what alone can save them.

(4) The lurid tales of Jewish sufferings called forth a flood of maudlin sympathy in pudding-headed gentiles—especially in Christian gentiles. In consequence probably most American citizens would now endorse those four-fifths of our Senators who are reliably reported as being committed in advance to giving the State of Israel almost anything it asks for, and would approve our continuing to make Israel an annual outright gift of billions of dollars and our placing at its disposal our most advanced military equipment even before it reaches our own forces in Europe—all to enable Israel not only to keep the lands it wrested from the Arabs by one of the foulest acts of aggression known to history, but to extend them by yet further aggression.

(5) The Jews have attributed the alleged Nazi murder of the six million to what they call the Germans’ “racism.” And by “racism” they mean a recognition of race as a reality, which they declare unfounded, and an emphasis on its importance, which they pronounce a menace to the peace and well-being of mankind. At the present time, perhaps there is no word in the English language so charged with repugnance and condemnation as is “racist,” and anyone who makes or proposes to make any discrimination between one man and another on the basis of race is liable to be treated as if he were a felon. It at once becomes apparent, if one looks closely beneath the surface of the situation, that this attitude toward race is the result of an organized, coordinated and heavily financed drive, simultaneously concentrated on White men wherever they exist, to expunge all racial motivations from their consciousness. And at the bottom of it all is the Jew.

And yet, as already laid bare in earlier pages of this book, the Jews themselves have been more fanatically race-conscious and more fiercely determined to keep themselves a people apart from all others, than any other people known to history. It is universally recognized, not only by all students of the Jewish record, in all lands, but by the Jews’ own foremost leaders and spokesmen, that it has been only by their insistence on their race, by their refusal to mix their genes with those of gentiles, that they have been able to survive through thirty centuries. And it just won’t go down, for all their present furor over the charge in the U.N. that Zionism is racism, for them, at this date, to try to make out that “Zionism is only a religion.” Zionism may indeed have its roots in the religious faith that has inspired nearly all Jews since the day when their tribal god Yahweh is believed to have made his famous contract with the Hebrew followers of Moses, but in its ultimate aim it is political, and the realization of the aim is made to depend on the fulfillment of conditions that are racial and nationalist in the extreme. As we have already seen, their religion, which is the driving force behind Zionism, teaches them that they alone are human beings, or, as Samuel Untermeyer put it in 1933, a little more modestly, that they “are the aristocrats of the world.” In either case, the Earth was made for them to rule, and gentiles to be their servants and slaves, their milk cows. One can quote any number of Zionists of the highest status and authority, to the effect that Jews are aliens, and are forever determined to remain aliens, amidst the people of any gentile nation that may take them in. No matter their oaths of allegiance to the country of their adoption, their first loyalty is to Israel. Jews who profess to share the patriotism of their gentile hosts “are simply living lies.” Any Jew who fails to give his first loyalty to the State of Israel “is a traitor to the Jewish people.” It should be observed, too, that Norman Podhoretz, editor of the very influential Jewish paper Commentary, recently remarked: “It has become clearer and clearer that something has happened to the Jews of America: they have all been converted to Zionism.” That is, they are now giving their first allegiance to Israel. This inevitably means that if we Americans accept a Jew as our Secretary of State, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, editor of the very powerful New York Times, or owner and controller of an even more powerful TV network, we should expect him to put the advancement of the State of Israel above his concern for the well-being of the United States of America. It was long experience of just such perfidy on the part of the Jews that largely determined the German Nazis to cancel all Jewish citizenships and to adopt a policy aimed at removing all Jews from German soil.

Fierce for racial consciousness in himself, fierce against it in us! What can be the explanation? Is it not at once obvious—if one but stop to think?

Race consciousness, and discrimination on the basis of race, are absolutely essential to any race’s survival, and to any nation’s survival—essential for the homogeneity, the solidarity, and the formidable strength without which no people can long survive. That is why the Jews are so fiercely for it for themselves, because they mean not only to survive but to become master; and fiercely against it for us, because we are their intended victim, and they wish to emasculate us and to paralyze us to the point where we cannot thwart their determination to put us in chains. Unless we recover our race consciousness, and maintain it, and heighten it, and live by it, we shall die.

Verily, an enormously profitable hoax was this lie of the six million. Mr. Harwood declared it “the most profitable atrocity allegation of all time.” And Dr. Max Nussbaum, former chief rabbi of the Jewish community in Berlin, proclaimed triumphantly, in April 1, 1953, that “the position the Jewish people occupy today in the world . . . is ten times stronger than what it was twenty years ago”—when Hitler came to power, and when the Jews first declared war on him and launched their “world-wide crusade” to bring him down. Perhaps now, after the lapse of another twenty-odd years, it would have to be admitted that the Jews are the strongest power in the world and for us the most dangerous. For the point of their whole engine of demolition is now leveled against the base of our citadel. Ludovici revealed the eye of prophetic genius when, as long ago as 1949, he said to me: “Nothing but a miracle can now save our civilization from complete destruction.”

Since the above was set up in type another book on “the six million” has come to my attention. As yet I have not had time to get a copy of it from England (no one in the U.S. dared to publish it), but from the extremely high praise it has called forth from very discriminating and honest reviewers, I judge that it will establish itself as the absolutely unanswerable exposure of the Jews’ charge as an infamous and shameless lie, and leave them without a leg to stand on. The only question then will be whether, in the face of their tight control of the mass media, the truth can be made known to the world.

5. Butz, Arthur—The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Historical Review Press, 23 Ellerker Gardens, Richmond, Surrey, England, but obtainable much more quickly from Liberty Bell Publications, Reedy, WV 25270. Mr. S.E.D. Brown, editor of the South African Observer, in reviewing the book (Sept., 1976), declared that Prof. Butz “demolishes the greatest propaganda legend of our times—the legend that the Germans attempted to ‘exterminate’ the Jews during World War Two. Combining the historian’s mastery of documents with the technical knowledge of a scientist, Prof. Butz’ book is the product of a massive research effort lasting three years. . . In all essentials, his book . . . is the last word on the subject. . . in the breadth of its scope and the depth its research it will remain the most complete statement of its kind yet written.”

The book is also reviewed, brilliantly and at greater length, in Mr. Wilmot Robertson’s Instauration for October, 1976 (page 9). I limit myself to quoting a few lines.

“If there ever was a time in human history when falsehood was about ready to put truth permanently out of business, it was the last three decades—from the cocoon stages of the Six Million Myth in early World War II through the avalanche of death camp propaganda in the late 40’s to the present era of total acceptance. How can a lie be nailed down when the whole world believes in it, when 99.99 per cent of the world’s magazines, newspapers, textbooks, educators, scholars and historians pay total obeisance to it? . . .”

“It is a strange sort of truth that must be upheld in lawsuits, jail terms, threatening headlines and social ostracism . . .”

“All the more reason that The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, a model of scholarship, research and erudition, deserves the fair and open hearing that the liberal-minority coalition is determined it shall not have. One of the greatest works of counterpropaganda ever written, it dearly demonstrates that the West’s will for truth, though moribund, is not dead. It takes courage to wrestle with a taboo that no respectable historian and no respectable publisher would dare to touch. It takes immense courage for the author to write such a book under his own name. As a professor at Northwestern University, Dr. Butz has opened himself and his career to attack from some of the world’s most rabid and most vengeful organizations.”