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Old June 13th, 2018 #12
Stewart Meadows
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 37,984

In the following picture we see an orthodox jew who engages in this torture and murder of chickens, and he's giving the finger to an animal rights protester:

Picture of the Day: Hasidic Kapparot In Action

Feces and feathers were everywhere on a public sidewalk and the stench was overpowering.[…] Behind a curtain blowing in the wind, we could see chickens being dismembered. A man wearing a bloody white apron intentionally stomped on an unlucky bird who fell to the ground while trying to get away…" And a hasid used a well-known non-verbal sign to tell an anti-chicken kapparot activist to f-off.

And the well-known "liberal" jew Jay Michaelson defends the orthodox jew's disgraceful behavior:

Why This Hasid Was Right To Flip the Bird to Kapparot Protester