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Old June 7th, 2019 #12
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: planet filled with brainwashed fools
Posts: 541

I have been saying the same thing for over 10 years. The planets Pole have shifted, and brought major geographical changes. The Sinking of Atlantis, the Destruction of The Island of the west of Ireland, The Destruction of the coast line off of India, the sinking of Mu, along with other continent Rising and falling. The planet has continued to change, and has caused catastrophic changes in Human civilizations.

The Sea Levels have CONSTANTLY risen on earths existence, man had nothing to do with it ( which is why climate change is a bunch of bullshit )

The cave is over 200,000+ years old from what they are saying
The stalagmites are a way of showing us what happened in the past.

Proof that the Planet has gone through radical climate changes 43:00 in the video, 5 major climate changes only in the past 80,000 years.

Some the Climate changes are preceded by a mysterious dark band, where Iron levels rise to the point where there was Enough Iron to Cover the Island, they say this was dust from the Sahara, now here is where this makes no sense, there was no desert in Africa, during the time periods they say this had happened. Which means something had hit the planet with such force that it knocked all of this Iron into the planet, or this Iron never came from the Sahara at all.

Iron seen on the Cave Walls