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Old May 8th, 2006 #5
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This tells me that the jew is getting ready to change gears and put a democrat into the White house. They are done with the idiot and they just gave him his going away slap to the face, probably because he proudly proclaimed that he’s was a Christian too many times for their liking. Those at Fox News also just got their wake-up call. For those too stupid or too slow to get the message, they will find themselves out of a job. Let’s see if Hannity and O’Reilly can hang on. My guess is that Hannity will be shown the door. O’Reilly is bending over for the mexicans and he’s a sex pervert, so that means he has a a fighting chance to hold onto his job longer then a year and a half.

Colbert (is he a jew?) was allowed to get away with that only because big jew has allowed him to get away with it. The jew doesn’t change policy or support for a White politician behind closed doors in a smoked-filled room.........the jew does it in broad daylight, on stage, right in front of the stupid goyem. The rest of the tribe picks up on the cue. Remember, the jew invented chutzpah.
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