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Old October 9th, 2017 #1
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 552
Default Jez Turner to stand trial for telling the truth in public

Jez Turner has been prosecuted for his speech at the "Oppose the Shomrim" demo. Here is a statement he made today:

"For those of you not on GAB social media - an update.

On the afternoon of the 4th July 2015 I gave a speech to an Anti-Shomrim rally opposite Downing Street in Whitehall.

This was a speech, be it noted, where I stated that the sole reason only one ethnic group in Britain today was permitted to have a vigilante force, 'The Shomrim' - and one at that, that wears uniforms that resemble police uniforms, that drive cars that are identical to police cars (the word 'POLICE' changed to 'SHOMRIM' is the only difference), that is publicly funded, that is given fire-arms training by the police etc - is not because of the unique victims status of Jews, but because of the power of the Jewish lobby.

Various George Soros funded Jewish lobby groups were outraged that I could openly declare that Jewish lobby groups were so powerful that they could even make a nonsense of the law of the land and overturn long-held conventions on vigilante groups, and so demanded that I be prosecuted. The Crown Prosecution Service decided that what I said was not a crime and therefore they could not prosecute me.

This enraged the George Soros funded Jewish lobby groups even further, and they set about using their lobbying power to overturn this decision and have me prosecuted anyway.

They lobbied for a Judicial Review of my case and their lobbying power got them this. They lobbied behind the scenes to have the Judicial Review decide to go ahead and to decide to prosecute me and their lobbying power has now got them this.

They lobbied for me to be put on show trial for daring to point out the extent of Jewish lobbying power, and their lobbying power got them this. They are now lobbying behind the scenes to ensure that I be found guilty and for me to be sent to the gulag, like so many other thought criminals, and no doubt their lobbying power shall get them all of this too.

No surprise for me in any of this.

Such lobbying power in Britain today can only be termed one thing - 'Jewish Supremacism'.

I have been proved correct, I have been vindicated.

Let the show trial commence.

Initial hearing where I enter a plea of 'Guilty' or 'Not Guilty' will be on Monday 30th October, 1.30pm, Westminster Magistrates Court, Marylebone."

And here is the demo, including the speech: