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Old October 4th, 2018 #2
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Bremen ,Germany
Posts: 2,393

. . oh , and PLEASE do not let anbody tell you that the Indians have supposedly "always been brown peoples" . .

That is a lie tried to be spread by antis to lift up the darkies . .

In fact even the word 'Aryan' originates in sanskrit . .

As for today's India . .

Once the pearl of Aryan civilisation. .

They mixed with the dark-skinned peoples of South Asia . .

( of whom the Aborigines living in Australia today are descendants . . .)

I think we can all agree that that . .

. . plus that . .

. . makes that . .

Concerning above post . . Reconsidering it might have the short period of Islamic rule in India or the period under the Mogul ( Asian ) which ultimately caused India to miscegenate . .

Poor Indians . .once under the foreign yoke of the Muslims , another time under the foreign yoke of the Asians ( Mogul ) . .

That sure must have benefitted Aryan India greatly . .

Well , what is left of it . .

Wow. .

Once a proud Aryan civilisation of high spirituality now turned into some dark-skins gutter . .

Wow , just wow . .

That is not to say that today many Indians are not proud / aware of their Aryan roots but hey , shit happens . .
As for the Islamic invasion , we know what fate generally awaits pure , unmixed Aryans under Islam . .

. . and it is widely acknowledged how poor Asians treat Aryans once they rule over them . .

The Indians may keep to their Aryan spirituality until today but they certainly aren't even close anymore to what they used to be . .

Tat tvam asi

Sanskrit for "Thou art that"