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Old December 28th, 2018 #2
Jeffrey Smither
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Originally Posted by Emily Henderson View Post

I look up Dallas crime sometimes to see what has changed.

Apparently nothing.

Dallas crime has always been exceptional. Exceptionally stupid and odd to the funny point.

This tacohead jumped into a car demanding tacos at gunpoint. The driver dumped him off at a tire shop. He demanded tacos from a second, at gunpoint. That driver didn't budge.

So he approached the third victim shooting at a him but he ran away--he turned back to the second guy and shot him.

He got in his car. Do you think he got tacos? No, he couldn't start the car.

So he goes into the street to jack yet another car.

The driver fought him, gun went off hitting no one and he ran.

A fellow beaner saw it all and decided to pull out HIS gun (probably a Crip himself) and hold the taco demander hostage til cops arrived.

Tacohead tried to get his gun but the po po broke it up.

He's in jail and he.... wait for it... wait for it.... is an illegal so he's on an immigration hold..

If he wants tacos so bad he should've stayed in Mexico. #parumpum

But Mexico has higher expectations for carjacking competency-- they disappear White American travelers regularly, so Roberto isn't really qualified to do high quality killing or theft... as Trump said, they send us their losers.
So Dallas has spic crimes and Apelanta has odd nigger crimes.