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Old November 29th, 2017 #2800
Beau Paulman
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 168

And now we will take a look at the description of each of the 16 insinuated mass graves found in the appendix of CSS thesis (Under the heading of "Additional Information"):

F1: No description / "additional information" given.

F9: "Similar to F5" (Note: The "additional information" given for F5 is: "Close to marked boundary")

F16: "Pit. Candles and stones on east edge." (Note: Presumably, a photo of this "pit" / "possible grave site" can be seen on page 405 of CSC's thesis.)

G1: "Probable pit" (Note: Page 210 of CSC's thesis includes an alleged electrical image of G1. Also note that G1 is the only alleged "probable pit" shown and the depth of the alleged "probable pit" is only shown down to 3.31 meters.)

G4: "Probable pit. May extend beyond the survey area."

G7: "Probable structure/debris. May extend to the north."

G29: "Probable structure. Extends into Area D and possibly SW outside the survey area."

G32: "Probable pit"

G36: "Probable structure"

G38: "Probable pit. Cut visible in section from 0.8 - 3.60m. Possibly extends beyond the survey area to the east, west and south."

G44: "Probable pit. Probably extends under the monument. On NNW- SSE alignment. Possibly same feature as G16 and G17."

G50: "Probable pit. Possibly extends under the monument to the north and east. Apparent cut visible at 1m-full depth of survey. Sloped edge visible to west in section."

G51: "Probable pit. Aligned NE-SW."

G52: No description / "additional information" given.

G53: "Aligned N-S."

G54: "Probable pit. Aligned NE-SW."

So the tally for the descriptions of the 16 insinuated mass graves is:

Probable pit: 8

No description / additional information given: 2

Probable structure: 2

Probable structure/debris: 1

Pit. Candles and stones on east edge: 1

Similar to F5: 1

Aligned N-S:1