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Old March 14th, 2009 #2
John Cassidy
Homeward Yankee
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 279
Default I enjoyed that.

I enjoyed that. It isn’t entirely fair, but any kind of solution to the mess we’re in won’t be. As for women who talk liberal politics, well, these days I just say “excuse me,” walk to the bar, settle the restaurant tab and leave.

They aren't worth it, even if they seem great in every other way. Women who are quick to tell you wrongheaded political opinions will be quick to tell you their opinions about all the other things they don’t know. Any mediocrity that crosses their mind will matter enough to them that will tell you about it, and if you don’t respond rightly to each and every nothing they drivel, they’ll make a mental note that you don’t appreciate them and start making themselves a giant drag. Shakespeare would have called these women shrews. I just don’t call them again.