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Old November 2nd, 2015 #14
Alex Linder
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Henry Ford's (unabridged) The International Jew

Vol. 1, Ch. 1: The Jew in Character and Business

http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/M...uTIJ-V1Ch1.mp3 (1:15)

- Notes: context and history behind Ford's The International Jew. Where things were then vs where they are today in 2015, 95 years after its publication in 1920. This is the UNABRIDGED version, we're doing all four volumes (80 chapters). ... Ch. 1. ... Year of Jubilee - land was returned every 50 years to original family ownership. sort of socialist-racialist reboot for jews during Moses' time. Law of the Stranger: ok to lend at usury to goyim, but NOT to fellow jews. dual code: treat jews one way, goyim another. not just lending but in all practices. even before electronics, in middle ages, jews have better info than statesmen about actual conditions worldwide, because of their ethnically-connected trading network. jews form a global network. useful for spying and trading and hiding. jews "go to headquarters." they insinuate into the king's court. they dont worry about commoners disliking them, they have the king (loans) and court on their side. jews invented many business and financial concepts, such as promissory notes, vertical integration, bearer bonds. example: their cotton manipulation around WWI, thru germany, england and US.

Vol. 1, Ch. 2: Germany's Reaction Against the Jew
Vol. 1, Ch. 3: Jewish History in the United States
Vol. 1, Ch. 4: The Jewish Question -- Fact or Fancy?

http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/M...IJ-V1Ch2-4.mp3 (1:27)

NOTES: Ch. 2: german reaction to jews. jews controlled govt offices, press, food/industry. they wrote against germany winnning war. were disloyal. global press is simply jewish press. what you wan to know about (germany) or (europe) was filtered through jewish papers, and they didn't talk about jew power. jews took over war boards and sold stuff marked up 3x to german public, while making rationed stuff available to their own at normal rates. there are rich jews and poor jews. they break up goy areas for new feeding and converge on same objective - complete control over goy society. "Judaism is the most closely organized power on earth." jew power rests on two pillars: money and propaganda. jews form a global, organized state. first capital was paris, then london, then shifting to america and new york in 1920. jews prepare minds of the public for their next move. they control goy govts. they want goys to hate each other nationalistically. they use goy armies and navies so long as they submit to jew control, since they dont have their own. CH 3: jew history in USA. in 1492, 300k jews expelled from spain. columbus heavily associated with jews. santagel, financier. not just isabella's jewels. Columbus patrons, Luis de Santagel and Gabriel Sanchez. Luis de Torres, jew on trip, founded tobacco business in cuba, father of it. jews kicked out of brazil went to dutch new york. forbidden to retail, they dominated foreign trade. jews created salvage trade. recycling, reusing, rags sellers, second-hand dealers. making new york THE center, THE port. they are able to tax and levy fictitious values thru this trade centralization. about 4000 jews in US at time of revolution. most of them well to do traders. jews created sweatshops in which they worked fellow jews. the only heartless treatment jews ever got in US was from their fellow jews. jew created ghetto. brings this practice to america. remains apart and aloof rather than assimilated by his own choice. jew controlled industries in 1920: theater, cotton, jewelry, magazine authorship, news distribution, smelting in colorado, grain, shoemaking, meatpacking, tobacco, liquor, loans. "Instances of Jewish prosperity in the United States are commonplace, but prosperity, the just reward of foresight and application, is not to be confounded with control. The prosperity of the Jews can be had by anyone who is willing to pay the price which the Jews pay for it -- a very, very high price, as a rule, all things considered -- but it would be impossible for any Gentile coalition under similar circumstances to attain the control which the Jews have won, for the reason that there is lacking in the Gentile a certain quality of working-togetherness, a certain conspiracy of objective, and the adhesiveness of intense raciality, which characterizes the Jew. It is nothing to a Gentile that another man is a Gentile; it is next to everything to a Jew that the man at his door is another Jew jew likes to use American or german name to veil his own peculiarly jewish business practices. he represents america or germany abroad, and poisons the name by associating it with his behavior. Ch4: the jewish question - fact or fancy? people uncomfortable even to say 'jew.' jew question in russia is in its most virulent form. jews are only 3% in US and 4% in russia, but they are "everywhere" in "upper circles." everywhere there is power. we hear that we must show humanity toward the jew. but he must show his humanity toward the whole race. jews show rather 'pitiless rapacity' in conducting 'economic pogrom' against the rest of humanity. jews whine about persecution by fact of the publication of the Dearborn Independent articles on them. They use threat of boycott as their main way of stifling discussion of the JQ. problem is with jews who are world-controllers, that they are exclusively jews. only jews produce this type. jews have achieved world control - and not by usual means. hence the JQ. strong distinction made between being rich and Control. not the same thing. jews try to shift jew from racial designation (correct) to religious (incorrect and deliberately evasive). the world-controlling jews are less religious, the poorer jews more. it's a racial thing. jews were keen traders and disliked for it by competitors and enemies. english had trade traditions: one line only, no advertising. jews broke these traditions, invented department stores. much quicker moving, dont care about traditions.

Vol. 1, Ch. 5: Anti-Semitism -- Will It Appear in the U.S.?

http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/M...uTIJ-V1Ch5.mp3 (1:14)

NOTES: Ch. 5: Anti-Semitism -- Will It Appear in the U.S.? loser approach: "we're not antisemites" and why this doesn't work (my commentary). Ford taking the usual loser route of explaining we are not bad guys, we are just honest, jews need to stop misapplying this term, which he allows implicitly is valid by his straightforward use of it. what is the term for jewish hatred of whites? Ford and his people don't know what they are doing, as a technical matter, when it comes to verbal and political warfare with jews. ... AS comes from goyish unfairness and christian prejudice, the jew claims. jews love america not for the people but for the opportunities it presents (to mulct the goyim). " it may be said that the publicity given the question in this country consists in misrepresentative criticism of the Gentiles by the Jewish press and misrepresentative praise of the Jews by the non-Jewish press." jews trying to control world thru control the "machinery of commerce and exchange." ... only mass action is jews against any goyim discussing jew power, never organized goyim mass-acting against jews.

Vol. 1, Ch. 6: Jewish Question Breaks Into the Magazines
Vol. 1, Ch. 7: Arthur Brisbane Leaps to the Help of Jewry
Vol. 1, Ch. 8: Does a Definite Jewish World Program Exist?

http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/M...IJ-V1Ch6-8.mp3 (1:14)

NOTES: Ch. 6-8: Notes: Ch 6: jew question in magazines. " there is nothing more ridiculous to the Gentile mind than a mass conspiracy, because there is nothing more impossible to the Gentile himself". Mr William Hard article on 'great jewish conspiracy' in Metropolitan. to dispel the idea there is a Jewish Question. prof from russia tried to publish facts about jew-goy relations there, editors love it but would not print it in new york state. tendency of jewish power to turn into complete control - a word not used yet in the series, the writer points out. game of finding some subset with mostly gentile names to avoid the obvious conclusion that jews are dominant. point to russian cabinet, gentiles save trotsky, and avoid talking about commissars. jews led bolsheviks, mensheviks and main bourgeois party! not just russia but america is led by jew - samuel gompers leads labor. and anti-gompers, jew Sidney Hillman leads Amalgamed Clothing Workers. in the middle are jews Brandeis, Mack and Frankfurter. 'Russian Information Bureau' headed by jew A.J. Sack. CH7: arthur brisbane leaps to help jewry. baron montefiore quote: we must control whole press to blind and deceive people. brisbane one of top dozen writers in country, and in june 1920, he's discussing the JQ. so it is growing in importance. 'jewish propaganda intended for Gentile consumption.' what really moved brisbane to write on the JQ? "What's wrong with the Jew?" is the first question, and then, "What's wrong with the Gentile to make it possible?" DI suggests editor brisbane have unbiased minds investigate roles of jews at the Peace Conference (Versailles). and then, whose agenda was put thru at the conference? and who owns alaska (jews)? it's not just capital v labor, it's a hidden third force setting them at deeper odds than is necessary. even back then jews were calling it race hate, anyone who dared to investigate their activities. the idea in TIJ is that if we can just get the facts on the table, then all parties can reach a nice solution. but that's not how it works. the jews work to increase their control while developing new verbal and legal tools for suppressing all who would take a good direct look at them and their operations. TIJ is consistently too fair and too idealistic. "Awaking the Gentile to the facts about the Jew is only part of the work; awaking the Jew to the facts about the Question is an indispensable part. The big initial victory to be achieved is to transform Gentiles from being mere attackers and to transform Jews from being mere defenders, both of them special pleaders for partisan views, and to turn them both into investigators. The investigation will show both Gentile and Jew at fault, and the road will then be clear for wisdom to work out a result, if there should perchance be that much wisdom left in the race." even 100 years ago: Tolerance is urged today for the sake of suppression. 'the mask of names is one of the most confusing elements in the whole problem.' jews are called englishmen or letts or germans, never jews. in the press they control. sum up: DI tries to interest brisbane, who writes a conventional jew-hagiography, to take an interest in the JQ and publish some genuine work on it. Ch8: Does a Definite Jewish World Program Exist? "In all the explanations of anti-Jewish feeling which modern Jewish spokesmen make, these three alleged causes are commonly given -- these three and no more: religious prejudice, economic jealousy, social antipathy." jews have a clearer sense of things because they have lived among more peoples than the goyim. the world is their path. jews think in world terms, not just national like goyim. jews are a nation among nations; living under many flags, they feel loyalty only to their own. herzl: we are a people -- one people. jews hate gentile government, they want their own. they want bolshevism and jew-nationalism. to do away with goy nations but preserve their own. "democracy is merely a tool of a word" jews use to gain equality when they are oppressed, and when they gain it, they immediately seek special privileges - as at Versailles. jews are naturally autocratic, not democratic. "It was at a Zionist conference -- the sixth, held in 1903 -- that the recent war was exactly predicted, its progress and outcome indicated, and the relation of the Jews to the Peace Treaty outlined." jews used zionism as pretext for meetings in which they discuss controlling the goy nations. Never having been trained in secrets or invisible unity, the Gentile immediately concludes that such things cannot be, if for no other reason than that they have not crossed his path and advertised themselves. herzl defined a nation as held together by a common enemy, and the common enemy of the jews is the gentile world. US Justice Dept said Protocols was probably the work of Theodor Herzl. jews describe Protocols: "it is the work of a criminal or a madman." telling. Whosoever was the mind that conceived them possessed a knowledge of human nature, of history and of statecraft which is dazzling in its brilliant completeness, and terrible in the objects to which it turns its powers. Neither a madman nor an intentional criminal, but more likely a super-mind mastered by devotion to a people and a faith could be the author, if indeed one mind alone conceived them. It is too terribly real for fiction, too well-sustained for speculation, too deep in its knowledge of the secret springs of life for forgery." jews always ignore the text and smear writer. protocols came by way of russia but are not russian. from prof nilus. the protocols are a world program - no doubt about that. analogy to unsigned painting. just as valuable.

Vol. 1, Ch. 9: The Historic Basis of Jewish Imperialism

http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/M...uTIJ-V1Ch9.mp3 (41m)

NOTES: Ch. 9: The Historic Basis of Jewish Imperialism. jews want to work as a team while being treated as individuals. you arent allowed to notice what they're up to, that it's organized, hostile, antiwhite - and if you do, that makes you an antisemite. but there is no antigentilism in media controlled by jews. jews are always and only portrayed as innocent victims of brutal insensitive unethical hateful beastly goyim. Chicago Tribune, Saturday, June 19, 1920, printed in the first column of the first page a cable dispatch from John Clayton, its special correspondent, under the heading: "Trotsky Leads Jew-Radicals to World Rule. Bolshevism Only a Tool for His Scheme." example of what ALL papers COULD print but NEVER do. Entente was main investigator. turns out 2 revolutions simultaneously and intertwined, being pursued: global communist revolution and "new racial domination." "the moving spirits in the second scheme are jewish radicals." jews simply hate gentile governments - all of them. all their systems. working it both ways - an aracial or anti-racial communist agenda. yet at same time a movement for jewish racial domination of whole world. christian science monitor says it would be "a tremendous mistake" to conclude that the "jewish peril does not exist." suggests calling it, after psalms, 'the terror by night.' mentally evil plotting secret world revolution. Perfect constitutions of invisible governments are not the creations of secret conventions; they are the accumulated thought and experience of centuries. There is no idea deeper in Judaism than that Jews constitute a Chosen People and that their future is to be more glorious than their past. not every jew knows about the plan for jewish global triumph, but every one knows the basic idea, and is willing to see goyim suffer to attain it, as he will benefit and they deserve it. no race more respects autocracy and position than jewish race. no king of jew yet just Princes of the Exile. the jews who could pick a king are there. exilarchs. Sanhedrin. Assembly of Notables to help Napoleon settle jew-related issues. They convoked a Sanhedrin, assembled in early 1807. Sanhedrin might as well exist today, beneath the surface, jews running committees divided by countries or objects (purposes). leaders of the jews do meet, routinely, and they dont disclose what they are meeting about. the makings of a jew world government are clearly there. The machinery of a Jewish world government exists ready-made. The Jew is convinced that he has the best religion, the best morality, the best method of education, the best social standards, the best ideal of government. The twenty-fourth Protocol of the Learned Elders of Zion has this to say: "Now I will discuss the manner in which the roots of the house of King David will penetrate to the deepest strata of the earth. This dynasty, even to this day, has given power of controlling world affairs to our wise men, the educational directors of all human thought."

Vol. 1, Ch. 10: An Introduction to the "Jewish Protocols"

http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/M...TIJ-V1Ch10.mp3 (31m)

Notes: Ch10: An Introduction to the "Jewish Protocols." documents known as "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." studied by British and American govts, investigated into. POZ "the most comprehensive program for world subjugation that has ever come to public knowledge." word 'jew' only appears twice. if this were forgery, as jews always say, antijews would have used jew much more often. but the writer does admit the World Autocrat is to be a jew. the plan is aimed not against capital, govt or aristocrats, rather these are used as tools. It is, rather, aimed against "Gentiles." "It is the frequent mention of "Gentiles" that really decides the purpose of the documents." The formula of speech is not, "We Jews will do this," but "The Gentiles will be made to think and do these things." They destroy social solidarity with liberal movements, CONFUSING the people until they can TAKE OVER unseen. they sow disintegration that they may CONFUSE the goyim and then instill their plan. they make no racial distinction among goyim, they're all gentiles, they simply use natural fault lines (race, sex, age, class) to drive their wedges. "In this divergence between Gentiles and ourselves in ability to think and reason is to be seen clearly the seal of our election as the chosen people, as higher human beings, in contrast with the Gentiles who have merely instinctive and animal minds. use of gentile fronts: trustable goyim of bad character, for whom there is an "abyss" between them and their people, the normal goyim. Another point which the reader of the Protocols will notice is that the tone of exhortation is entirely absent from the documents. They are not propaganda. They are not efforts to stimulate the ambitions or activity of those to whom they are addressed. They are as cool as a legal paper and as matter-of-fact as a table of statistics. jews say would we have put this in writing? but Protos are NOTES of lectures, something someone wrote down. not published document. "their purpose is clearly not to get a program accepted but to give information concerning a program which is represented as being already in process of fulfillment. presented to student jews somewhere in middle europe, most likely. jews handed down the program in the protocols thru specially trusted and initiated men in each generation. "Questions of policy, however, are permitted to no one except those who have originated the policy and have directed it for many centuries." protos only fits jews becaus they alone can keep intact in a crumbling world - and then take full and final power, they conceive. Nothing like them in completeness of detail, in breadth of plan and in deep grasp of the hidden springs of human action has ever been known. They are verily terrible in their mastery of the secrets of life, equally terrible in their consciousness of that mastery. goyim ARE stupid. the jews have nailed our mentality and our veniality. we dont have enough continuity or collaboration to oppose jews - so far. The protocols "give a clue to the modern maze." They explain the lies and confusion. exposing the protocols is enough. or not, as time would show.

Vol. 1, Ch. 11: "Jewish" Estimate of Gentile Human Nature

http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/M...TIJ-V1Ch11.mp3 (37m)

NOTES: Ch11: "Jewish" Estimate of Gentile Human Nature. 4 main divisions of protocols. 1) jews' estimate of 'gentile nature.' 2) what's already been accomplished. 3) instruction in methods to move the plan along and accomplish more of its agenda. 4) details of things that hadnt happened when notes were taken but had by this time (1920). Protocol 1: the mob is blind, unreasoning, shallow, emotional. best results in governing are obtained thru violence, not academic argument. we purchas the activities of the goyim we need by playing on their sensitive strings, mainly their material- gains calculations. Protocols 5: people accept words for acts. goyim are self-conceited and easily discouraged. money or social distinction easily purchase gentiles. while even stopping applause makes them give up. break up gentile solidarity and strength. words for actions. money for principles. fame for agenda. jews make all these trades - and goyim accept them. so a handful of goy pols and writers accept fame and money to do thing that destroy their people and place them under the control of the jews. jews divide society by ideas. throw out a mass of them, not to get goyim to follow this or that but to create disunity and confusion. divide and rule. that's what lets a tiny minority dominate a large majority, which is splintered into a 1000 confused and antagonistic subgroups. goyim take words for actions. "Gentile society does not scrutinize the origin or the consequences of the theories it adopts." diversity of ideas splits society and though called "progress" is mere dissolution. with jews left as the one unified group pursuing their agenda: " There is no longer any such thing as public opinion. Distrust and division are everywhere. And in the midst of the confusion everyone is dimly aware that there is a higher group that is not divided at all, but is getting exactly what it wants by means of the confusion that obtains all around." "The theories which cause the disruption and the theory which explains the disruption as good, come from the same source." economics is jewish, all aspects of its theories. first "secret" to gaining contorl over public opinion is to confuse it with many conflicting opinionis so that the public withdraws, learning it is best to have no opinion on political matters. intensifying the shortcomings of the people (proto Frankfurt-ism). breeding disagreement in all parties. Protocol 13: we seek approval, not for our acts, but for our words... "We always announce publicly that we are guided in all our measures by the hope and the conviction that we are serving the general good." Becoming less and less accustomed to independent thinking, people will express themselves in unison with us because we alone offer new lines of thought -- of course, through persons whom they do not consider as in any way connected with us." " Surely we have been completely successful in turning the witless heads of the Gentiles by the word 'progress.'" People of all opinions and of all doctrines are at our service. protocols refers to "the poison of liberalism". liberalism is fantasy, force is reality. idea = ultimate poison. liberalism. democracy. "The poison of an idea is their most relied-on weapon." "We have misled, stupefied and demoralized the youth of the Gentiles by means of education in principles and theories, patently false to us, but which we have inspired." -- Protocol 9. "Having in this way inspired everybody with the thought of his own importance, we will break down the influence of family life among the Gentiles, and its educational importance." -- Protocol 10. "That this disintegration and division of Gentile society was proceeding at a favorable rate when the Protocols were uttered is evident from every line of them. For it must be remembered that the Protocols are not bidding for support for a proposed program, but are announcing progress on a program which has been in process of fulfillment for "centuries" and "from ancient times." gentiles are to be subjugated intellectually then economically, subject to the jews, under a World Autocrat. jews haven sown roots of dissention to deep to be torn out. they have stimulated our intra-goy hatreds for 20 centuries! jews ADMIT they are the source of all these (racial, religious, etc) antagonisms.

Vol. 1, Ch. 12: "Jewish Protocols" Claim Partial Fulfillment

http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/M...TIJ-V1Ch12.mp3 (34m)

NOTES: Ch12: Jewish Protocols" Claim Partial Fulfillment. Protocol 2: our international agents will eliminate national rights in the narrow sense, and will govern the governments as they govern their subjects." Protocol 1: our power will be "invisible" until it is unassailable. Protocols are not literature but statesmanship. a comprehensive world plan pursued over centuries with the same end goal in mind: jews dictating to the world. affirms we rule now - we are a "supra-government" that deserves the word "dictatorship." the courts and jurisprudence are determined by us. "We will surround our government by a whole galaxy of economists"..."because everything will be decided by an appeal to figures." "the science of economics is the chief subject of instruction taught by the jews." "The idea, the theory, as instruments of social disintegration are common to both the university Jew and the Bolshevik Jew." economic theories are presented as economic laws. Ford says Intl Jews already 10 years dominant. Jews in Protocols talk about "creating courts" and "we are the lawmakers." And it is true. "Our judges." we have "discredit[ed]" the xtian clergy. the "complete crash" of xtianity will come in time. "Our contemporary press will expose governmental and religious affairs and the incapacity of the Gentiles, always using expressions so derogatory as to approach insult, the faculty of employing which is so well known to our race." ""In countries called advanced, we have created a senseless, filthy and disgusting literature." claim control of global news agencies printing only "what we permit." With a few exceptions "not worth considering" the power of the press "is already in our hands." We stimulate public opinion and herd it the direction we desire. we "organize" public opinion using the "great power" of the press which is already in our hands. "if now there is not one government with barriers erected against our access" - whenever POZ was written, they were already claiming complete domination of goyworld. jews have access to the secrets of all states - no one else has this access. they can learn what they want. they acquired this power in the last 5-6 years, says Ford, (from 1920, when this article was published). jews see their dispersal as their "whole strength" - not as a weakness. it has led them to threshold of universal power. ""In order not to destroy prematurely the Gentile institutions, we have laid our efficient hands on them, and rasped the springs of their mechanism. They were formerly in strict and just order, but we have replaced them with a liberal disorganized and arbitrary administration. We have tampered with jurisprudence, the franchise, the press, freedom of the person, and, most important of all, education and culture, the corner stone of free existence. "We have misled, stupefied and demoralized the youth of the Gentiles by means of education in principles and theories patently false to us, but which we have inspired. "Above existing laws, without actual change but by distorting them through contradictory interpretations, we have created something stupendous in the way of results." the jew institutionalizes everything, sets up millions of trained 'experts.' the goy children are led to look to the state as its natural leader and regulator of life. Children are being lured away from the "social center" of the home for other "centers"; they are being led away (and we are speaking of Gentile children -- no Gentiles are ever allowed to regulate the lives of Jewish children) from their natural leaders in home, church and school, to institutionalized "centers" and scientific "play spots," under "trained leaders" whose whole effect, consciously or unconsciously, is to lead the modern child to look to the State, instead of its natural environment, for leadership. jews are anxious and insistent on determining what goyim think and how they raise their kids, but their own kids are far removed from inspection and the idea of goyim affecting their minds is laughable. jews instinctively treat goyim as a slave class, and the goyim put up with it. "Every influence that leads to lightness and looseness in Gentile youth today heads up in a Jewish source." (proto-Frankfurt School doctrine - make the goyim youth unserious and sexually loose, in order they will never threaten us, or take a close look at us, but will mess up their own lives). examples: sports clothes, show business, jazz, movies, coney islands. ... frivolize the people's minds and tastes and compel them to pay for it too..." Jewish financial interests are not only pandering to the loosest elements in human nature, but actually engaged in a calculated effort to render them loose in the first place and keep them loose..." stimulated trade in useless luxuries. Protocol 6 says they will destroy the goyim industrially by stimulating demand for luxuries. then they can introduce fashion. the clock turns, always new crap you "have to" waste money on. jews dont fall for this, goyim do. jews profit from it.

Last edited by Alex Linder; November 2nd, 2015 at 01:00 PM.