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Old December 12th, 2017 #16
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Originally Posted by Emily Henderson View Post

I was remembering this morning how I used to watch Flaherty vids to validate my feelings on the multi-cult, since I was surrounded by people for whom the 'haze' had taken over, and needed to remind myself that I was correct in my racial observations.

Unreal that what is right in front of Whites can be spun to make the White person feel bad for their inner thoughts and feelings on what they observe, rather than the (((ones))) doing the misdeeds, and using non-Whites to do them, feeeling bad for....doing the misdeeds.
Jews have perfected this technique for many centuries, now. They have also perfected the techniques for short-circuiting the cultural learning processes of the goyim, so that any awareness of the jew perfidy in these activities dies with the aware goy and is NEVER transmitted down through the generations - even as the jew further perfects its own retention and knowledge of human characteristics. Small wonder, the contempt they manifest.
No way out but through the jews.