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Old November 15th, 2018 #2
Mike in Denver
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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James Dean was a self-centered little (5' 8") gay freak. Possibly the worst actor in film history.

The only movies I remember seeing him in are "Giant" and "Rebel Without a Cause," and these two movies are in a competition for worst/silliest movie ever produced. They were both, really trash. In comparison, "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" is a scholarly, intelligent, serious movie.

All Dean ever did in any scene, in any movie was simper and whine, while staring at the camera.

In short, even when I was a young kid, trying to enjoy a movie, I recognized Dean as a little piece of crap over-acting. (My God! ...over-acting doesn't come close.)

Hunter S. Thompson, "Big dark, coming soon"