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Old September 12th, 2016 #6
White Brazilian Boy
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Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Race mixing will destroy the nature's greatest creation: the white race.

White creation:

Mongrel creation:

Typical suburb in a majority white country:

Typical suburb in a majority mongrel country:

White technology:

Non-white technology:

White beauty:

Mongrel beauty:

Well, race mixing will degenerate everything and turn the entire planet into a third world hellhole devoid of beauty, quality of life, creativity, etc.

Just compare the U.S.A with Mexico. In the first the colonizers brought women, avoided large scale miscigenation and ended up with a majority white first world country.

The Spanish colonizers in Mexico didn't brought women, miscigenated in large scale and ended up with a majority mestizo third world country.

The few whites in Mexico live in gated communities protected from the brown hordes of European and Mongoloid DNA.

And the brown hordes invade the majority white(which won't be anymore in the future) american neighboor. They know that only whites can provide clean and developed societies. That's why non-white immigrate to white countries, not the opposite.

Last edited by White Brazilian Boy; September 12th, 2016 at 10:21 PM.