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Old December 4th, 2008 #12
Karl Von Clausewitz!
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 1,525

Originally Posted by seeer View Post
Many on this site needs to read this a few times.
Many here do not look at it in terms of what was, and what could be but rather what is.

People always want something to blame, whenever there is a sign of weakness in a society something must be attacked a figure must be found that they can point to and say "this is the cause"...when we reflect upon our own role in the demise of Western most here the thing to blame is Christianity.

You and I both know that the institution of Christianity today isn't ideal. It perpetuates the same lies spread by Government and by jews...their leadership figures only care about the size of their wallets rather than adhering to the true nature of the doctrine itself.

Today it cannot be said that going to church is "good" for a person, it is an institution of indoctrination. Many here despite their obvious disdain for the religion is right about that one thing at least.

That it should die? I don't think so, look what Hitler managed to accomplish in an era where the Church was just as vile as it is was returned to sanity, it became healthy again.

Rather than blame Christianity for what has become, we should blame ourselves, because in the end it is not the doctrine that made society as it is, it is our gullibility for believing such blatant lies despite being provided with the ability to read for ourselves, and to see despite the interpretation of the man cloaked standing before us, it is not so.

We are to blame for the way society turned out we are the ones who allowed ourselves to be fooled and swindled by propaganda...we were the ones who threw away our convictions and our faith (to those modern Christians) simply because we didn't like to hear our views associated as "ignorant" on the T.V.

The reason for societies demise in the Western world is Society itself.